Monasterium Maximae Laurae

Cupressus Sancti Athanasii millennarius e porticu ecclesiae monasterii Maximae Laurae visa
Monasterium Maximae Laurae
Forma trapezae Maximae Laurae a Basilio Grigorovič-Barskii anno 1744 descripta

Monasterium Maximae Laurae (Graece Μονὴ Μεγίστης Λαύρας, scilicet "monasterium maximae semitae") est monasteriorum viginti montis Athonis antiquissimum et praecedentiá primum. Conditum est anno 963 ab Athanasio Trapezuntino, adiuvante imperatore Nicephoro Phoca.

Refectorium (Graece τραπέζα) monasterii Maximae Laurae undeviginti mensas maiores marmoreas habuit et duas minores. Proponitur mensas maiores e Palatio Magno Constantinopolitano remotas, ubi triclinium Decaenneaccubitorum usque ad tempus Nicephori Phocae resplendebat sed, eodem fere tempore quo Maxima Laura aedificabatur, delapidatum est.[1]


  1. Mylonas pp. 143, 145; Malmberg (2003) p. 90; Simon Malmberg, "Dazzling Dining" in Leslie Brubaker, Kalliroe Linardou, edd., Eat drink and be merry (Luke 12:19): food and wine in Byzantium (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007) pp. 75-89 ad p. 85 n. 44


Editiones fontium
  • George Dennis, interpr., "Rule of Athanasios the Athonite for the Lavra Monastery"; "Typikon of Athanasios the Athonite for the Lavra Monastery"; "Testament of Athanasios the Athonite for the Lavra Monastery" in John Thomas, Angela Constantinides Hero, edd., Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents (Vasingtoniae: Dumbarton Oaks, 2000. 5 voll. ISBN 9780884022893) vol. 1 pp. 205-231, 245-280
  • Ph. Meyer, ed., Die Haupturkunden für die Geschichte der Athosklöster (Lipsiae: Hinrichs, 1894) esp. pp. 21-29, 101-162 Textus apud
  • J. Noret, ed., Vitae duae antiquae sancti Athanasii Athonitae. Tornaci, 1982
  • Δημήτριος Σαλπίστης et al., edd., Βασίλι Γκρηγκορόβιτς Μπάρσκι. Τά ταξίδια του στό Ἅγιον Ὄρος 1725-1726 1744-1745 μέ τήν φροντίδα καί τά σχόλια τοῦ ακαδημαϊκοῦ Παύλου Μυλωνᾶ (Thessalonicae: Αγιορειτική Εστία, 2009. ISBN 978-960-98312-0-8) pp. 221-306
  • Simon Malmberg, Dazzling Dining: banquets as an expression of imperial legitimacy (Upsalae: Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, 2003) pp. 58-60, 89-98
  • Paul M. Mylonas, "La trapeza de la Grande Lavra au Mont Athos" in Cahiers archéologiques no. 35 (1987) pp. 143-157
  • J. J. Yiannias, The Wall Paintings in the Trapeza of the Great Lavra on Mount Athos: a study in Eastern orthodox refectory art. Dissertatio Universitatis Pittsburgensis, 1971; Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1971

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