Mors Alexandri Magni

Annale mortis Alexandri in tabula cuneiformi anni 323/322 a.C.n. servatum

Mors Alexandri Magni Babylone die 11 Iunii 323 obita est, si calendaria antiqua recte convertuntur.[1] Diem 28 Daesii dederunt Ephemerides Alexandri Magni, diem ultimum Daesii Aristobulus in libro De rebus Alexandri Magni, quos fontes ambo a Plutarcho (Vita Alexandri 75.6, 76.9) citantur. Diem 4 Pharmuthi dat historia fabulosa Alexandri Magni (Pseudo-Callisthenes 35.4). Rex post convivium novissimum (nisi iam antea) undecim fere dies aegrotabat, deinde mortuus est.



  • John Atkinson, Elsie Truter, Etienne Truter, "Alexander’s last days: malaria and mind games?" in Acta classica vol. 52 (2009) pp. 23-46
  • Ernst Badian, "The ring and the book" in W. Will, J. Heinrichs, edd., Zu Alexander d. Gr.: Festschrift G. Wirth vol. 1 (Amstelodami: Hakkert, 1987) pp. 605-625; reimpressum in E. Badian, Collected papers (2012) pp. 325-337
  • Eugene N. Borza, Jeanne Reames-Zimmerman, "Some new thoughts on the death of Alexander the Great" in Ancient world vol. 21 (2000) pp. 22-30
  • Leo Depuydt, "The Time of Death of Alexander the Great: 11 June 323 B.C. (–322), ca. 4:00–5:00 PM”" in Die Welt des Orients vol. 28 (1997) pp. 117-135 JSTOR
  • Donald Engels, "A note on Alexander’s death" in Classical philology vol. 73 (1978) pp. 224-228
  • G. T. Griffith, "Alexander and Antipater in 323 B. C." in Proceedings of the African classical associations vol. 8 (1965) pp. 12-17
  • Waldemar Heckel, The Last Days and Testament of Alexander the Great (Historia. Einzelschriften, 56). Stutgardiae, 1988
  • Krzysztof Nawotka, "Arrian on the last days and the death of Alexander" in Robert Rollinger, Julian Degen, edd., The world of Alexander in perspective (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022) pp. 13-24
  • Alan E. Samuel, "The Earliest Elements in the Alexander Romance" in Historia vol. 35 (1986) pp. 427-437 JSTOR
  • Fritz Schachermeyr, Alexander in Babylon und die Reichsordnung nach seinem Tode (Sitzungsberichte der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse vol. 268 pars 3). Vindobonae: Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1970; exemplar mutuabile

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