Raimundus Cattell

Raimundus Bernardus Cattell.

Raimundus Bernardus (Anglice Raymond Bernard) Cattell (natus Hill Top Bromvici in vico prope Birminghamiam die 20 Martii 1905; mortuus Honolulu Havaiorum die 2 Februarii 1998) fuit psychologus Anglicus et Americanus, qui investigatione psychometrica de structura psychologica inter personalitates innotuit.[1][2]

Eius opera etiam fundamenta personalitatis et temperamenti exploravit, ne deferantur iactus habilitatum cognitivarum, dynamicae motivationis animique motus mensurae, clinicae personalitatis abnormalis mensurae, exemplaria syntalitatis gregum socialiumque morum,[3] adhibitiones investigationis personalitatum ad psychotherapiam et theoriam educationis,[4] praedictores creativitatis rerumque gestarum,[5] ac permultae investigationis multivariatae rationes,[6] inter quas profectus rationum explicationis factorum ad haec dominia exploranda et metienda.[7][8] Cattell auctor, co-auctor, vel editor librorum academicorum paene sexaginta, plus quam 500 commentariorum investigatoriorum, et plus quam triginta normativarum probationum, quaestionnariorum, aestimationisque graduum psychometricorum.[9][10] Secundum aestimationem late citatam, Cattell fuit sextus decimus ab ornatissimo,[11] septimus a maximo in periodicis scientificis citato,[12] et inter fecundissimos quamquam controversissimos saeculi vicensimi psychologos.[13]

Anno 1937, Cattell ab Anglia discessit ut in Civitates Foederatas immigraret, cum in Universitatem Columbiae consedit, Eduardo Thorndike suadente. Anno autem 1938, cum professoratus in psychologia e G. Stanley Hall appellatus in Universitate Clarkiana praesto fieret, Cattell, a Thorndike commendatus, hanc dignitatem accepit, sed paucas investigationes ibi fecit, et "continenter abiecto animo erat."[14] Gordon Allport anno 1941 Cattell in ordinem professorum in Universitate Harvardiana intulit. Demum professor in Universitate Illinoesiana apud Urbana-Champaign fuit.

Anno 1977, Cattell se ad Havaios contulit ibique permansit, amore oceani navigationisque motus. Academicum autem cursum continuavit professor ad tempus et fautor in Universitate Havaiorum. Agnosticus erat.[1]

Opera selecta

Inter eius publicationes saepissime citatae sunt:[15]

  • Cattell, R. B. 1943. The description of personality: Basic traits resolved into clusters. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 38:476–506.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1943. The measurement of adult intelligence. Psychological Bulletin, 40, 153–93.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1946. Description and Measurement of Personality. New York: World Book.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1947. Confirmation and clarification of primary personality factors. Psychometrika 12: 197–220.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1948. Concepts and methods in the measurement of group syntality. Psychological Review 55(1): 48–63. doi:10.1037/h0055921.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1949. An Introduction to Personality Study.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1950. Personality: A Systematic Theoretical and Factual Study. Novi Eboraci: McGraw Hill.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1952. Factor Analysis: An Introduction and Manual for the Psychologist and Social Scientist. Oxoniae: Harper.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1957. Personality and Motivation Structure and Measurement. Novi Eboraci: World Book.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1963. Theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence: A critical experiment. Journal of Educational Psychology 54: 1–22.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1961. The Meaning and Measurement of Neuroticism and Anxiety.
  • Cattell, R. B. (1965). Factor analysis: An introduction to essentials I: The purpose and underlying models. Biometrics 21: 190–215.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1965. Personality Factors in Objective Test Devices.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1965. The Scientific Analysis of Personality.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1966. The Scree Test for the number of factors. Multivariate Behavioral Research 1(2):245–76.
  • Cattell, R. B., ed. 1966. Handbook of Multivariate Experimental Psychology. Sicagi: Rand McNally.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1967. Objective Personality and Motivation Tests.
  • Cattell, R. B., et H. J. Butcher. 1968. The Prediction of Achievement and Creativity. Indianapoli: Bobbs-Merrill.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1970. Handbook for the Sixteen Personality Questionnaire.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1971. Abilities: Their Structure, Growth, and Action. Bostoniae: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1972. Real base, true zero factor analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research Monographs 72(1): 1–162. Arx Worthensis Texiae: Texas Christian University Press.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1973. Personality and Mood by Questionnaire. Franciscopoli: Jossey-Bass.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1975. Motivation and Dynamic Structure.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1977. Handbook of Modern Personality Theory.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1977. The Scientific Analysis of Personality and Motivation.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1978. Personality Theory in Action: Handbook for the O-A Test Kit.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1978. The Scientific Use of Factor Analysis in Behavioral and Life Sciences. Novi Eboraci: Plenum.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1979. Personality and Learning Theory: Vols. 1 & 2.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1983. Structured Personality-Learning Theory: A Wholistic Multivariate Research Approach. Novi Eboraci: Praeger.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1985. Human Motivation and the Dynamic Calculus.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1987. Intelligence: Its Structure, Growth, and Action. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1987. Psychotherapy by Structured Learning Theory. Novi Eboraci: Springer.
  • Cattell, R. B. 1988. Handbook of Multivariate Experimental Psychology.
  • Cattell, R. B. (1988). The meaning and strategic use of factor analysis. In Handbook of Multivariate Experimental Psychology. Novi Eboraci: Plenum.
  • Cattell, R. B., et H. J. Butcher. 1968. The Prediction of Achievement and Creativity. Oxoniae: Bobbs-Merrill.
  • Cattell, R. B., et al. 1970. Handbook for the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) in Clinical Educational Industrial and Research Psychology. Champaign Illinoesiae: IPAT.
  • Cattell, R. B., H. W. Eber, et M. M. Tatsuoka. 1970. Handbook for the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF). Champaign Illinoesiae: IPAT.
  • Cattell, R. B., et P. Kline. 1977. The Scientific Analysis of Personality and Motivation. Novi Eboraci: Academic Press.
  • Cattell, R. B., et I. H. Scheier. 1961. The Meaning and Measurement of Neuroticism and Anxiety. Novi Eboraci: Ronald Press.
  • Cattell, R. B., et I. H. Scheier. 1967. Handbook for the IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire. Champaign Illinoesiae: IPAT.
  • Cattell, R. B., et S. Vogelmann. 1977. A comprehensive trial of the scree and KG criteria for determining the number of factors. Multivariate Behavioral Research 12: 289-335.
  • Horn, J. L., et R. B. Cattell. 1966. Refinement and test of the theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence. Journal of Educational Psychology 57: 253–70.
  • Horn, J. L., et R. B. & Cattell, R. B. 1967. Age difference in fluid and crystallized intelligence. Acta Psychologica 26: 107–29.
  • Nesselroade, J. R., et R. B. Cattell. 1988. Handbook of Multivariate Experimental Psychology. Ed. 2a, retractata. Novi Eboraci: Plenum.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gillis 2014.
  2. Festschrift pro Raymond B. Cattell (1988), The Analysis of Personality in Research and Assessment: In Tribute to Raymond B. Cattell, 2 Aprilis et 17 Iunii 1986 (University College London: Independent Assessment and Research Centre), praefatio K. M. Miller. ISBN 0-9504493-1-8.
  3. Cattell 1948.
  4. Cattell 1987.
  5. Cattell et Butcher 1968.
  6. Cattell 1966.
  7. Cattell 1972.
  8. Cattell 1978.
  9. Books and Mongraphs of Raymond B. Cattell. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1984, 19:344-69.
  10. Cattell 1983:419-57.
  11. Eminent Psychologists of the Twentieth Century [Accessum 22 Octobris 2015].
  12. Haggbloom et al. 2002.
  13. Boyle et al. 2016.
  14. Tucker 2009.
  15. Google Scholar.


  • Cattell, R. B. 1973. Autobiography. In A History of Psychology in Autobiography, ed. G. Lindsey. Vol. 6. Novi Eboraci: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
  • Gillis, J. 2014. Psychology's Secret Genius: The Lives and Works of Raymond B. Cattell. Amazon Kindle Edition.
  • Haggbloom, S. J., et al. 2002. The 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century. Review of General Psychology 6:(2):139–52. doi: 10.1037//1089-2680.6.2.139.
  • Tucker, W. H. 2009. The Cattell Controversy: Race, Science, and Ideology. Urbanae Illinoesiae: University of Illinois Press.

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