Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets

Recollections of the Lakes and the Lake Poets est series commentationum ab auctore Anglico Thomas de Quincey conscriptarum, primum in periodico Tait's Edinburgh Magazine inter annos 1834 et 1840 editarum, denuo anno 1862 sub hoc titulo congessarum. Ibi de vita "poëtarum Lacuum" candide disserit, scilicet Gulielmi Wordsworth, Samuelis Taylor Coleridge, Roberti Southey et quorundam aliorum, eo tempore quo Terram Lacuum in Cumbria habitabant.

Index commentationum

  • "Samuel Taylor Coleridge" in Tait's Edinburgh Magazine Sept.-Nov. 1834, Ian. 1835
  • "A Letter to William Wordsworth" Aug. 1835
  • "William Wordsworth" Ian., Feb., Apr. 1839
  • "William Wordsworth and Robert Southey" Iul. 1839
  • "Southey, Wordsworth, and Coleridge" Aug. 1839
  • "Recollections of Grasmere" Sept. 1839
  • "The Saracen's Head" Dec. 1839
  • "Westmoreland and the Dalesmen" Ian. 1840
  • "Society of the Lakes, I, II, III" Ian., Mar., Iun. 1840