Ricardus Swinburne

Ricardus Swinburne.

Ricardus (Anglice Richard G.) Swinburne (natus Smethvici in comitatu Staffordiensi Angliae die 26 Decembris 1934) est philosophus Britannicus et professor philosophiae in Universitate Oxoniensi emeritus. Qui argumenta philosophica pro exsistentia Dei quinquaginta annos vehementer suadet. Eius studia philosophica plerumque philosophiam religionis et philosophiam scientiae tractant.

Libri magni momenti

  • 1968. Space and Time.
  • 1970. The Concept of Miracle.
  • 1977. The Coherence of Theism. Nova editio, 2016. (Pars 1 eius trilogiae de theismo)
  • 1979. The Existence of God. Nova editio, 2004. (Pars 2 eius trilogiae de theismo)
  • 1981. Faith and Reason. Nova editio, 2005. (Pars 3 eius trilogiae de theismo)
  • 1986. The Evolution of the Soul. ISBN 0-19-823698-0. (Editio 1997)
  • 1989. Miracles.
  • 1989. Responsibility and Atonement. (Pars 1 eius tetralogiae de doctrinis Christianis)
  • 1991. Revelation. (Pars 2 eius tetralogiae de doctrinis Christianis)
  • 1994. The Christian God. (Pars 3 eius tetralogiae de doctrinis Christianis)
  • 1996. Is There a God? ISBN 0-19-823545-3.
  • 1997. Simplicity as Evidence of Truth. The Aquinas Lecture.
  • 1998. Providence and the Problem of Evil. (Pars 4 eius tetralogiae de doctrinis Christianis)
  • 2001. Epistemic Justification.
  • 2003. The Resurrection of God Incarnate.
  • 2008. Was Jesus God?
  • 2011. Free Will and Modern Science. ISBN 978-0197264898.
  • 2013. Mind, Brain, and Free Will.

Autobiographia spiritualis

  • 1993. The Vocation of a Natural Theologian. In Philosophers Who Believe, ed. Kelly James Clark, 179–202. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.


  • Brown, Colin. 1984. Miracles and the Critical Mind. Exeter: Paternoster; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
  • Chartier, Gary. 2009. Richard Swinburne. In Blackwell's Companion to the Theologians 2: 467–74, ed. Ian Markham. Oxoniae: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Hick, John. 1989. The religious ambiguity of the universe. In An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent. Portu Novo: Yale University Press.
  • Hick, John. 1993. Salvation Through the Blood of Jesus. In The Metaphor of God Incarnate. Londinii: SCM 1993).
  • Parks, D. Mark. 1995. Expecting the Christian Revelation: An Analysis and Critique of Richard Swinburne's Philosophical Defense of Propositional Revelation. PhD diss., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
  • Parsons, Keith M. 1989. God and the Burden of Proof: Plantinga, Swinburne, and the Analytic Defense of Theism. Buffalo: Prometheus.
  • Vardy, Peter. 1990. The Puzzle of God. Collins Sons and Co.
  • Wolterstorff, Nicholas. 1995. Divine Discourse: Philosophical Reflections on the Claim that God Speaks. Cantabrigiae" Cambridge University Press.

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