
Vaporitraha Africae Australis.

Vaporitraha[1] (-ae, f.) est currus tractorius qui vim suppeditat ad se et alia vehicula movenda per vaporem prolatum.[2] Eius fomes propulsorius est materia igni obnoxia (plerumque carbo, oleum fomitis, et nunc raro lignum) ad aquam in receptaculo fervefactionis calefaciendam donec gasum fiat et eius volumen millies septengenties augeatur. Quod quidem ad munus spectat, vaporitraha reapse est machina vaporaria rotis ornata.


Anno 1804, prima vaporitraha a Ricardo Trevithick, ingeniario Britannico, excogitata est. Anno 1825, Georgius Stephenson, interdum pater ferriviae vocatus, vaporitraham fabricavit. Saeculo vicensimo Herbertus Nigel Gresley machinator claras vaporitrahas ut Scottum volantem velut Mallard, celerrima omnium vaporitraharum, creavit. Vaporitraha maxima est Big Boy ('Magnus Puer'), machina tractoria Americana.

Hodie, technologia huius generis machinae raro adhibetur.


Nexus interni



LNER Class A4 4468 Mallard, celerrima vaporitraha, quae celeritatem 203 chiliometrorum per horam die 3 Iulii 1938 attinuit.
  • Ahrons, E. L. 1914. The Development of British Locomotive Design. Londinii.
  • Ahrons, E. L. 1921. Steam Engine Construction and Maintenance. Londinii.
  • Allen, C. E. 1912. Modern Locomotive. Cantabrigiae.
  • Annis, T. A.; 1912. Modern Locomotives. Adrian Michiganiae.
  • Broggie, Michael. 2014. Walt Disney's Railroad Story: The Small-Scale Fascination That Led to a Full-Scale Kingdom. Ed. quarta. The Donning Company. ISBN 978-1-57864-914-3.
  • Brosius et Koch. 19011914. Die Schule des Lokomotivführers. Ed tredecima. 3 vol. Wiesbaden.
  • Dalby, W. E. 1906. Economical Working of Locomotives. Londinii.
  • Dee, Gerald A. 1998. "A Lifetime of Railway Photography." On Photographer Profile. Studfield: Train Hobby Publications.
  • Dickerson, C. L. 1914. The Locomotive and Things You Should Know About It. Clintoniae Illinoesiae.
  • Fisher et Williams. 1911. Pocket Edition of Locomotive Engineering. Sicagi.
  • Fowler, G. L. 1911. Locomotive Breakdowns, Emergencies, and their Remedies. Ed. septima. Novi Eboraci.
  • Gairns, J. F. 1907. Locomotive Compounding and Superheating. Philadelphiae.
  • Greenly, Henrr. 1905. Model Locomotive. Novi Eboraci.
  • Henderson, G. R. 1906. Cost of Locomotive Operation. Novi Eboraci.
  • Henderson, G. R. 1931. Recent Development of the Locomotive. Philadelphiae.
  • Kirkman, Marshall Monroe. 1914., The Locomotive. Sicagi.
  • Knight, W. G. 1913. Practical Questions on Locomotive Operating. Bostoniae.
  • Koopmans, J. J. G. 2006. The fire burns much better. NL-Venray. ISBN 90-6464-013-0.
  • Pendred, Vaughan. 1908. The Railway Locomotive, What it is and Why it Is What It Is. Londinii.
  • Prothero, E. 1914. Railways of the World. Novi Eboraci.
  • Rakov, V. А. 1995. Локомотивы отечественных железных дорог 1845–1955. [Machinae tractoriae ferriviarum patriae 1845–1955.] Moscuae: Транспорт.
  • Roberts et Smith. 1913. Practical Locomotive Operating. Philadelphiae.
  • Semmens, P. W. B., et A. J. Goldfinch. 2004. How Steam Locomotives Really Work. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-860782-2.
  • Sinclair, Angus. 1907. Development of the Locomotive Engine. Novi Eboraci.
  • Swengel, F. M. 1967. The American Steam Locomotive; Vol. 1. The Evolution of the American Steam Locomotive. Iova: Midwest Rail Publications.
  • Taylor, A. I. 1907. Modern British Locomotives. Novi Eboraci.
  • Wolff, C. E. 1903. Modern Locomotive Practice: A Treatise on the Design, Construction, and Working of Steam Locomotives. Mancuniae.
  • Wright et Swift, eds. 1913. Locomotive Dictionary. Ed. tertia. Philadelphiae.

Nexus externi

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