Netun (dia)

Lombard Quest articol chì l'è scrivud in lombard, con la Noeuva Ortografia Lombarda
Statua del Netun con dò nereide de dessota

El Netun (latin: Neptūnus) l’è el dia roman di mar e de l’aigua dolza.[1] L’è l’equivalent roman del dia gregh Poseidon.[2] Ind i tradizzion inspirade de quella grega, l’è el fredell de Sgiœuv e Pluton; i fredei soraintenden i ream del cel, de la terra e de l’Oltratomba, e di mar. La Salazza l’è la sò mojer.

I figurazzion del Netun ind i mosaegh roman, spezzialment in quii de l’Afrega del nord, eren assee influenzade di convenzion ellenisteghe.[3] Compagn del Poseidon, l’era ancasì venerad di Roman coma el dia di cavai, e l’era donca el patron di corse di cavai.[4]


  1. J. Toutain, Les cultes païens de l'Empire romain, vol. I (1905:378) securely identified Italic Neptune as a saltwater sources as well as the sea.
  2. Larousse Desk Reference Encyclopedia, The Book People, Haydock, 1995, p. 215.
  3. Alain Cadotte, "Neptune Africain", Phoenix 56. 3/4 (Autumn/Winter 2002:330-347) detected syncretic traces of a Libyan/Punic agrarian god of fresh water sources, with the epithet Frugifer, "fruit-bearer"; Cadotte enumerated (p.332) some north African Roman mosaics of the fully characteristic Triumph of Neptune, whether riding in his chariot or mounted directly on albino dolphins.
  4. Neptune, Prado Museum, Madrid. Spain is culture. Ministry of Culture and Sport.

Ligam de denter

  • Religion romana

Ligam de fœura