Neofašisms ir pēc Otrā pasaules kara galēji labējā ideoloģija, kas ietver nozīmīgus fašisma elementus. Neofašisms parasti ietver ultranacionālismu, rasismu, populismu, autoritārismu, nativismu, ksenofobiju un pretimigrācijas noskaņojumu, kā arī opozīciju liberālajai demokrātijai, sociāldemokrātijai, parlamentārismam, liberālismam, marksismam, sociālismam un komunismam.[1] Tāpat kā klasiskajā fašismā, tā piedāvā Trešo Pozīciju kā alternatīvu tirgus kapitālismam.[2]
Apgalvojumi, ka kāda grupa ir neofašistiska, var tikt apstrīdēti, īpaši, ja šis termins tiek izmantots kā politisks epitets. Daži pēc Otrā pasaules kara režīmi ir aprakstīti kā neofašistiski to autoritārā rakstura dēļ un dažreiz arī tāpēc, ka tie aizraujas ar fašistisko ideoloģiju un rituāliem.
- ↑ Castelli Gattinara, Pietro; Forio, Caterina; Albanese, Marco (1 January 2013). "The appeal of neo-fascism in times of crisis. The experience of CasaPound Italia". Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies 2 (2): 234–258. doi:10.1163/22116257-00202007. "Previous research has established that there is a connection between economic crises and the emergence of fascism, and that the critique of neo-liberalism and market economy constitutes a central feature of neo-fascist groups." (angliski)
- ↑ Castelli Gattinara, Pietro; Forio, Caterina; Albanese, Marco (1. jan. 2013. gads). "The appeal of neo-fascism in times of crisis. The experience of CasaPound Italia". Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies 2 (2): 234–258. doi:10.1163/22116257-00202007. "We find that the crisis offers a whole new set of opportunities for the radical right to reconnect with its fascist legacy, and to develop and innovate crisis-related policy proposals and practices. The crisis shapes the groups' self-understanding and its practices of identity building, both in terms of collective rediscovery of the fascist regime's legislation, and in terms of promotion of the fascist model as a 'third way' alternative to market capitalism. Even more importantly, the financial crisis plays the role of the enemy against which the fascist identity is built, and enables neo-fascist movements to selectively reproduce their identity and ideology within its practices of protest, propaganda, and consensus building."(angliski)
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- Vikikrātuvē par šo tēmu ir pieejami multivides faili. Skatīt: Neofašisms.
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