Regular Show
Regular Show
Veidotājs (-i)
Džeimss Gārlends Kvīntels Režisors
Džons Infantino
Maiks Ross
Džeimss Gārlends Kvīntels
Viljams Sālerss
Sems Marins
Marks Hemils
ASV Valoda(s)
angļu Sezonu skaits
8 Sēriju skaits
255 Izstrāde Sērijas garums
11 minūtes Translācija Translācijas periods
2010. gada 6. septembris — 2017. gada 16. janvāris
Regular Show ir Amerikas Savienoto Valstu animācijas seriāls, kuru radīja Džeimss Gārlends Kvīntels televīzijas kanāla Cartoon Network vajadzībām. Tā pirmā sērija tika rādīta 2010. gada 6. septembrī, savukārt pēdējā sērija bija 2017. gada 16. janvārī. Seriāls ir par zilo sīli Mordekaju un jenotu Rikbiju. Abi strādā kādas pilsētas parkā . 2015. gadā iznāca filma Regular Show: The Movie , kura ir balstīta uz animācijas seriālu Regular Show .
Ārējās saites
1990. gadi
The Moxy Show (1993–2000)
Space Ghost Coast to Coast (1994–2001)
What a Cartoon! (1995–97)
"Dekstera laboratorija " (1996–2003)
Big Bag (1996–98)
"Džonijs Bravo " (1997–2004)
"Govs un Cālēns " (1997–99)
"Es esmu zebiekste" (1997–2000)
"Detektīvmeitenes " (1998–2005)
"Eds, Edis un Edijs" (1999–2009)
Mike, Lu & Og (1999–2001)
"Gļēvais suns Drosminieks" (1999–2002)
2000. gadi
"Aitiņa lielpilsētā" (2000–02)
Time Squad (2001–03)
"Samurajs Džeks " (2001–04)
Grim & Evil (2001–02)
"Supervaroņu komanda" (2001–06)
Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones? (2002–03)
"Parole: Kaimiņbērni" (2002–08)
"Billijs un Mendija" (2003–08)
Evil Con Carne (2003–04)
Teen Titans (2003–06)
Duck Dodgers (2003–05)
"Zvaigžņu kari: Klonu kari " (2003–05)
Megas XLR (2004–05)
"Fostera māja iedomu draugiem " (2004–09)
Baby Looney Tunes (2004–06)
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi (2004–06)
"Supersuns Kripto" (2005–06)
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee (2005–07)
"Lazlo nometne " (2005–08)
Firehouse Tales (2005–06)
Sunday Pants (2005–06)
My Gym Partner's a Monkey (2005–08)
"Bena 10 " (2005–08)
Squirrel Boy (2006–07)
Class of 3000 (2006–08)
Out of Jimmy's Head (2007–08)
Chowder (2007–10)
"Transformeri" (2007–09)
The Mr. Men Show (2008–09)
"Bena 10: Citplanētiešu spēks " (2008–10)
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack (2008–10)
"Zvaigžņu kari: Klonu kari " (2008–13)
The Secret Saturdays (2008–10)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2008–11)
The Othersiders (2009)
BrainRush (2009)
Destroy Build Destroy (2009–11)
Bobb'e Says (2009)
Dude, What Would Happen (2009–11)
2010. gadi
"Piedzīvojumu laiks " (2010–18)
"Rozā Pantera un draugi" (2010)
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien (2010–12)
"Skubijs Dū: Akciju sabiedrība "Mistērija" " (2010–13)
Generator Rex (2010–13)
Mad (2010–13)
Regular Show (2010–17)
Sym-Bionic Titan (2010–12)
Tower Prep (2010)
Hole in the Wall (2010–12)
Robotomy (2010–11)
Young Justice (2010–13)
The Problem Solverz (2011–13)
The Looney Tunes Show (2011–14)
ThunderCats (2011–12)
Secret Mountain Fort Awesome (2011–12)
Level Up (2012–13)
Green Lantern: The Animated Series (2012–13)
The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange (2012–14)
DreamWorks Dragons (2012–14)
Ben 10: Omniverse (2012–14)
Incredible Crew (2013)
Beware the Batman (2013–14)
Mixels (2014–16)
Over the Garden Wall (2014)
Long Live the Royals (2015)
The Amazing World of Gumball (2011)
Teen Titans Go! (2013)
Uncle Grandpa (2013)
Steven Universe (2013)
The Tom and Jerry Show (2014)
Clarence (2014)
Mighty Magiswords (2015)
We Bare Bears (2015)
Wabbit (2015)
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! (2015)
Bunnicula (2016)
"Detektīvmeitenes" (2016)
Justice League Action (2016)
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