
Ny tondra-drano dia ny fisian' ny rano be loatra avy amin' ny toerana misy rano ka manafotra ny faritra manodidina.
Amin' ny fotoan' ny tondra-drano dia mihoatra avy ao amin' ny lalany na ny toerana misy azy mahazatra ny rano (renirano, farihy, sns), izay mitombo ka makeny amin' ny toerana manodidina azy, avy eo mihena; miely any amin' ny tany lemaka sy ny lempona ny rano; mety hikoriana mafy na moramora na hijanona ny rano arakaraka ny fisolampin' ny tany. Matetika ny fikorianana betsaky ny ranon' orana mandritra ny tondra-drano dia mahazo ny tany fambolena (tondra-drano mitondra fotaka) na mankany amin' ny faritra tsy tantera-drano an-tanàn-dehibe.

Miteraka tondra-drano ny fihoaram-pefin' ny rano vokatry ny fahasimban' ny tohodrano, ny fefiloha, ny lakandrano (natao hanondrahana ny fambolena, hahazoana rano fisotro na fanadiovana) na ny firodanan' ny fiangonan-drano voajanahary toy ny farihin-dranomandry. Miteraka tondra-drano ny fiakaran' ny rano avy amin' ny tahirin-drano voajanahary ambanin' ny tany. Mahatonga tondra-drano ny fiakarana vonjimaikan' ny ranomasina mankeny amin' ny faritra amorontsiraka, izany no mitranga mandritra ny fisian' ny tsonamy.

Ny tondra-drano dia anisan' ny loza voajanahary lehibe indrindra izay miteraka fahavoazana be indrindra. Nandritra ny vanim-potoana 1996-2005 dia manodidina ny 80 % amin' ny loza voajanahary eran-tany no avy amin' ny toetrandro na amin' ny korian-drano. Olona 66 tapitrisa eo ho eo isan-taona no tratran' ny tondra-drano teo anelanelan' ny taona 1973 sy 1997 ary heverina fa hiharatsy kokoa izany ho an' ny seranan-tsambo sy ny tanàna amorontsiraka.
Jereo koa
Rohy ivelany
Miteny frantsay
- tondra-drano tamin'ny mey 2008 tany Isère eo amin'ny tranonkalan'ny l'AD Isère Drac Romanche
- Constat Amiable Degat des Eaux Archived Janoary 12, 2010 at the Wayback Machine
- Approche juridique des inondations Archived Aprily 20, 2009 at the Wayback Machine
- Gestion Intégrée des Crues Archived Janoary 26, 2021 at the Wayback Machine
- ADOPTA (Site dédié à l'expérimentation et à la promotion de moyens alternatifs de lutte contre les inondations et le ruissellement urbain)
- Les inondations en France, photos et explications Archived Janoary 14, 2010 at the Wayback Machine
- Rapport de la mission sur les inondations de Septambra 2002 dans le sud-est Archived Novambra 26, 2004 at the Wayback Machine du ministère de la Santé
- Zones inondables en Languedoc-Roussillon Archived Janoary 26, 2009 at the Wayback Machine
- Carte des zones inondables en Midi-Pyrénées Archived Mey 20, 2007 at the Wayback Machine
- Site web de l'eau douce, site gouvernemental canadien, bien documenté (en français)
- Cartes des zones inondables de la Région Wallonne Archived Jolay 28, 2013 at the Wayback Machine, en Belgique
- les inondations en Belgique sur
- site dédié à l'appui des communes pour la prévention des risques : sécurité commune info
- Schéma Directeur de Prévision des Crues du bassin Loire-Bretagne Archived Desambra 4, 2008 at the Wayback Machine
- Service de Prévision des Crues en France Archived Mey 23, 2007 at the Wayback Machine
- Histoire de la lutte contre les crues en suisse (209 pages), par l'ASSETS Archived Febroary 16, 2007 at the Wayback Machine
Miteny anglisy
- Website on the Great Flood of Paris in 1910 Archived Desambra 16, 2020 at the Wayback Machine
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Healthy Water - Flood Water Exposure Health risks, cleanup of flood waters, and links to flood resources
- American Water Resources Association Archived Martsa 24, 2018 at the Wayback Machine
- Associated Programme on Flood Management Archived Janoary 26, 2021 at the Wayback Machine from World Meteorological Organization
- Dartmouth Flood Observatory Archived Aogositra 8, 2009 at the Wayback Machine
- Decision tree to choose an uncertainty method for hydrological and hydraulic modelling Archived Jiona 1, 2013 at the Wayback Machine, Choosing an uncertainty analysis for flood modeling.
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- Europe floods 2006
- Flood Risk Management Research Consortium
- International Flood Initiative
- International teaching module "Integrated Flood Risk Management of Extreme Events" (Floodmaster) Archived Aogositra 17, 2020 at the Wayback Machine
- Predictions Off for Global Warming Flood Risk - Study Archived Novambra 20, 2009 at the Wayback Machine.
- Protecting against the Next Katrina - Scientific American Magazine (October 2005)
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