ഓപ്പറേഷൻ ബാർബറോസ

Operation Barbarossa
the Eastern Front of World War II ഭാഗം

Clockwise from top left: German soldiers advance through Northern Russia, German flamethrower team in the Soviet Union, Soviet planes flying over German positions near Moscow, Soviet prisoners of war on the way to German prison camps, Soviet soldiers fire at German positions.
തിയതി22 June – 5 December 1941
(5 മാസം, 1 ആഴ്ച and 6 ദിവസം)
സ്ഥലംCentral, Northeast, and Eastern Europe
ഫലംSee Aftermath
യുദ്ധത്തിൽ ഏർപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നവർ
 Soviet Union
പടനായകരും മറ്റു നേതാക്കളും
  • നാസി ജർമനി Adolf Hitler
  • Walther von Brauchitsch
  • Franz Halder
  • Fedor von Bock
  • Gerd von Rundstedt
  • Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb
  • കിങ്‌ഡം ഓഫ് റൊമാനിയ Ion Antonescu
  • ഫിൻലൻഡ് Gustaf Mannerheim
  • സോവ്യറ്റ് യൂണിയൻ Joseph Stalin
  • Georgy Zhukov
  • Aleksandr Vasilyevskiy
  • Semyon Budyonny
  • Kliment Voroshilov
  • Semyon Timoshenko
  • Markian Popov
  • Fyodor Kuznetsov
  • Dmitry Pavlov Executed
  • Ivan Tyulenev
  • Mikhail Kirponos 
Units involved
Axis armies
  • നാസി ജർമനി
  • Army Group North
  • 16th Army
  • 18th Army
  • 4th Panzer Army
  • Army Group Center
  • 4th Army
  • 9th Army
  • 2nd Panzer Army
  • 3rd Panzer Army
  • 2nd Army
  • Army Group South
  • 6th Army
  • 11th Army
  • 17th Army
  • 1st Panzer Army
  • റൊമാനിയ
  • Romanian 3rd Army
  • Romanian 4th Army
  • നാസി ജർമനി Army Norway
  • ഫിൻലൻഡ് Finnish Army
Soviet armies
  • സോവ്യറ്റ് യൂണിയൻ
  • Northern Front
  • 7th Army
  • 8th Army
  • 48th Army
  • 52nd Army
  • 54th Army
  • 55th Army
  • Northwestern Front
  • 11th Army
  • 27th Army
  • 34th Army
  • Western Front
  • 3rd Army
  • 10th Army
  • 13th Army
  • 16th Army
  • 19th Army
  • 20th Army
  • 22nd Army
  • 24th Army
  • 28th Army
  • 40th Army
  • 50th Army
  • Southwestern Front
  • 5th Army
  • 6th Army
  • 12th Army
  • 21st Army
  • 26th Army
  • 37th Army
  • Southern Front
  • 9th Army
  • 18th Army
  • Coastal Army
Frontline strength (initial)
Frontline strength (initial)
14,000,000 reserves (former conscripts who finished their mandatory service)[17][18]
Total military casualties:
  • Casualties of 1941:

    According to German Army medical reports (including Army Norway):[19]

    • 186,452 killed
    • 40,157 missing
    • 655,179 wounded in action[i]
    • 8,000 evacuated sick

    • 2,827 aircraft destroyed[20]
    • 2,735 tanks destroyed[4][21]
    • 104 assault guns destroyed[4][21]

    Other involved country losses

    • റൊമാനിയ 114,000+ casualties (at least 39,000 dead or missing)[ii]
    • Kingdom of Italy 8,700 casualties[iii]
    • ഫിൻലൻഡ് 5,000+ casualties[iv]
Total military casualties:
  • Casualties of 1941:

    Based on Soviet archives:[23]

    • 566,852 killed in action
    • 235,339 died from non-combat causes
    • 1,336,147 sick or wounded via combat and non-combat causes
    • 2,335,482 missing in action or captured
    • c. 500,000 Soviet reservists captured while still mobilizing

    • 21,200 aircraft lost[20]
    • 20,500 tanks destroyed[24]

രണ്ടാം ലോക മഹായുദ്ധത്തിന്റെ സമയത്ത് സോവിയറ്റ് യൂണിയനെ ആക്രമിക്കാൻ ജർമ്മനി തയ്യാറാക്കിയ പദ്ധതിയുടെ രഹസ്യനാമമാണ് ഓപ്പറേഷൻ ബാർബറോസ. അച്ചുതണ്ട് ശക്തികളുടെ കീഴിലുള്ള നാലു ലക്ഷത്തോളം വരുന്ന സൈനികർ റഷ്യയുടെ സൈനിക അതിർത്തിയിലേക്ക് ആക്രമണം നടത്തി. [25]

See also

  • Black Sea campaigns
    • Romanian Navy during World War II
  • Operation Silver Fox
  • Timeline of the Eastern Front of World War II



  1. The four Soviet military districts facing the Axis, the Baltic Military District, the Western Special Military District, the Kiev Special Military District and the Odessa Military District, at the outbreak of the war were renamed the Northwestern Front, the Western Front, the Southwestern Front and the Southern Front, respectively. A fifth military district, the Leningrad military district, became the Northern Front.(Glantz 2012, പുറങ്ങൾ. 11, 16, 208).
  2. 170 divisions and 2 independent brigades, along with 12 airborne brigades. (Glantz 2012, പുറങ്ങൾ. 16, 219).
  3. Excludes an additional 395,799 who were deemed unfit for service due to non-combat causes, transported out of their Army Group sectors for treatment, and treated in divisional/local medical facilities. 98% of those 395,799 eventually returned to active duty service, usually after relatively short treatment, meaning about 8,000 became permanent losses. Askey 2014, p. 178.
  4. See: Mark Axworthy, Third Axis Fourth Ally: Romanian Armed Forces in the European War, 1941–1945. pages 58 and 286.
  5. See:Robert Kirchubel. Operation Barbarossa: The German Invasion of Soviet Russia. Bloomsbury Publishing. Chapter: "Opposing Armies".
  6. Includes only Finnish casualties in Northern Finland during Operation Silver Fox.[22]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Clark 2012, പുറം. 73.
  2. Glantz 2001, പുറം. 9.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Glantz 2010a, പുറം. 20.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Liedtke 2016, പുറം. 220.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Askey 2014, പുറം. 80.
  6. Askey 2014, പുറം. 80, of which 301 assault guns, 257 tank destroyers and self-propelled guns, 1,055 armored half-tracks, 1,367 armored cars, 92 combat engineer and ammunition transport vehicles.
  7. Liedtke 2016, പുറം. 220, of which 259 assault guns.
  8. Bergström 2007, പുറം. 129.
  9. Glantz 2001, പുറം. 9, states 2.68 million.
  10. Glantz 1998, പുറങ്ങൾ. 10–11, 101, 293, states 2.9 million.
  11. Taylor 1974, പുറം. 98, states 2.6 million.
  12. Mercatante 2012, പുറം. 64.
  13. Clark 2012, പുറം. 76.
  14. Glantz 2010a, പുറം. 28, states 7,133 aircraft.
  15. Mercatante 2012, പുറം. 64, states 9,100 aircraft.
  16. Clark 2012, പുറം. 76, states 9,100 aircraft.
  17. Glantz 1998, പുറം. 107.
  18. Glantz & House 1995, പുറം. 68.
  19. Askey 2014, പുറം. 178.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Bergström 2007, പുറം. 117.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Askey 2014, പുറം. 185.
  22. Ziemke 1959, പുറം. 184.
  23. Krivosheev 1997, പുറങ്ങൾ. 95–98.
  24. Sharp 2010, പുറം. 89.
  25. 10-ക്ലാസ് സാമൂഹ്യശാസ്ത്രം പുസ്തകം



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