साचा:Time travel
Time travel |
General terms and concepts |
- Chronology protection conjecture
- Closed timelike curve
- Novikov self-consistency principle
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Quantum mechanics of time travel
Time travel in fiction |
- Timelines in fiction
- in science fiction
- in games
Temporal paradoxes |
- Grandfather paradox
- Causal loop
Parallel timelines |
- Alternative future
- Alternate history
- Many-worlds interpretation
- Multiverse
- Parallel universes in fiction
Philosophy of space and time |
- Butterfly effect
- Determinism
- Eternalism
- Fatalism
- Free will
- Predestination
Spacetimes in general relativity that can contain closed timelike curves |
- Alcubierre metric
- BTZ black hole
- Gödel metric
- Kerr metric
- Krasnikov tube
- Misner space
- Tipler cylinder
- van Stockum dust
- Traversable wormholes
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