Браунлови (латинлӓ Brownlowia ) — браунлови йишвлӓн группыш пырышы шукиӓш пушӓнгӹ. Цилӓжӹ 28 тӹрлӹ браунлови улы.
Лӹмжӹм Леди Браунлоу (Lady Brownlow) лӹмеш пумы.[ 1]
Brownlowia arachnoidea
Brownlowia argentata
Brownlowia calciphila
Brownlowia cuspidata
Brownlowia dictyopsila
Brownlowia eberhardtii
Brownlowia elata
Brownlowia elliptica
Brownlowia emarginata
Brownlowia ferruginea
Brownlowia fluminensis
Brownlowia glabrata
Brownlowia grandistipulata
Brownlowia havilandii
Brownlowia helferiana
Brownlowia kleinhovioidea
Brownlowia macrophylla
Brownlowia ovalis
Brownlowia paludosa
Brownlowia palustris
Brownlowia riparia
Brownlowia rubra
Brownlowia sarawhensis
Brownlowia sarwonoi
Brownlowia stipulata
Brownlowia tabularis
Brownlowia tersa
Brownlowia velutina
↑ Google Books: George Don (1831), A General System of Gardening and Botany {in honour of the late Lady Brownlow, daughter of Sir Abraham Hume, a great admirer of botany.}
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