D (bahasa pengaturcaraan)

Paradigmaberbilang paradigma
Muncul pada1999
Direka olehWalter Bright
Lepasan stabil2.085.0[1] (1 Mac 2019; 5 tahun yang lalu (2019-03-01)[1])
Disiplin penjenisankuat, statik
Pelaksanaan utamaDMD, GDC
DipengaruhiC, C++, C#, Java, Eiffel

D merupakan bahasa pengaturcaraan sistem pelbagai-paradigm imperatif berorentasi objek oleh Walter Bright dari Digital Mars. Ia asalnya (re-engineering) C++, tetapi sungguhpun ia banyak dipengaruhi oleh bahasa tersebut, ia bukannya variasi C++. D telah mereka semula ciri-ciri C++ dan dipengaruhi oleh konsep yang digunakan dalam bahasa lain, seperti Java, C# dan Eiffel. Versi 1.0 yang stabil dibebaskan pada 2 Januari 2007. Versi ujian, 2.000, dibebaskan pada 17 Jun 2007.


Kata kekunci diwarnakan biru, rentetan pula merah, manakala ulasan diwarnakan hijau.

Contoh 1

Atur cara contoh berikut memaparkan argumen-argumen baris perintahnya. Fungsi main ialah titik masuk bagi atur cara D, dan args ialah tatasusunan rentetan mewakili argumen-argumen baris perintah. Rentetan dalam D ialah sebuah tatasusunan aksara yang diwakili oleh char[].

import std.stdio;       // for writefln()
int main(char[][] args)
    foreach(i, a; args)
        writefln("args[%d] = '%s'", i, a);
    return 0;

Kenyataan foreach boleh mengulang apa jua koleksi, di sini ia menghasilkan tatasusunan indeks (i) dan nilai (a) daripada tatasusunan args. Jenis bagi indeks i dan nilai a diketahui melalui jeni bagi tatasusunan args.

Contoh 2

Berikut menunjukkan penggunaan tatasusunan bersekutu bagi membentuk struktur data yang lebih kompleks

import std.stdio;       // for writefln()

int main(char[][] args)
    // Declare an associative array with string keys and
    // arrays of strings as data
    char[][] [char[]] container;

    // Add some people to the container and let them carry some items
    container["Anya"] ~= "scarf";
    container["Dimitri"] ~= "tickets";
    container["Anya"] ~= "puppy";

    // Iterate over all the persons in the container
    foreach (char[] person, char[][] items; container)
        display_item_count(person, items);
    return 0;

void display_item_count(char[] person, char[][] items)
    writefln(person, " is carrying ", items.length, " items.");

Contoh 3

Contoh yang mempunyai banyak anotasi berikut menonjolkan banyak perbezaan berbanding C++, sambil masih mengekalkan beberapa aspek C++.

#!/usr/bin/dmd -run
/* sh style script syntax is supported! */
/* Hello World in D
 * To compile:
 *   dmd hello.d
 * or to optimize:
 *   dmd -O -inline -release hello.d
 * or to get generated documentation:
 *   dmd hello.d -D

import std.stdio;                        // References to  commonly used I/O routines.

int main(char[][] args)                 
    // 'writefln' (Write-Formatted-Line) is the type-safe 'printf'
    writefln("Hello World, "             // automatic concatenation of string literals

    // Strings are denoted as a dynamic array of chars 'char[]'
    // auto type inference and built-in foreach
    foreach(argc, argv; args)
        auto cl = new CmdLin(argc, argv); 	                 // OOP is supported
	writefln(cl.argnum, cl.suffix, " arg: %s", cl.argv); 	// user-defined class properties.

	delete cl; 	              // Garbage Collection or explicit memory management - your choice

    // Nested structs, classes and functions
    struct specs
	// all vars automatically initialized to 0 at runtime
	int count, allocated;
	// however you can choose to avoid array initialization
	int[10000] bigarray = void;

    specs argspecs(char[][] args)
    // Optional (built-in) function contracts.
	assert(args.length > 0);                   // assert built in
	assert(result.count == CmdLin.total);
	assert(result.allocated > 0);
	specs* s = new specs;
	// no need for '->'
	s.count = args.length;  // The 'length' property is number of elements.
	s.allocated = typeof(args).sizeof; // built-in properties for native types
	foreach(arg; args)
	    s.allocated += arg.length * typeof(arg[0]).sizeof;
	return *s;

    // built-in string and common string operations, eg. '~' is concatenate.
    char[] argcmsg  = "argc = %d";
    char[] allocmsg = "allocated = %d";
    writefln(argcmsg ~ ", " ~ allocmsg,
    return 0;

 * Stores a single command line argument.
class CmdLin
	int _argc;
	char[] _argv;
	static uint _totalc;

	 * Object constructor.
	 * params:
	 *   argc = ordinal count of this argument.
	 *   argv = text of the parameter
	this(int argc, char[] argv)
	    _argc = argc + 1;
	    _argv = argv;

	~this() // Object destructor
	    // Doesn't actually do anything for this example.

	int argnum() // A property that returns arg number
	    return _argc;

	char[] argv() // A property that returns arg text
	    return _argv;

	wchar[] suffix() // A property that returns ordinal suffix
	    wchar[] suffix; // Built in Unicode strings (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32)
		case 1:
		    suffix = "st";
		case 2:
		    suffix = "nd";
		case 3:
		    suffix = "rd";
		default:  // 'default' is mandatory with "-w" compile switch.
		    suffix = "th";
	    return suffix;

         * A static property, as in C++ or Java,
         * applying to the class object rather than instances.
         * returns: The total number of commandline args added.
	static typeof(_totalc) total()
	    return _totalc;

	// Class invariant, things that must be true after any method is run.
	    assert(_argc > 0);
	    assert(_totalc >= _argc);

Pautan luar


  1. ^ a b "Change Log – D Programming Language". D Programming Language 2.0. D Language Foundation. Dicapai pada 2 March 2019.