Kekejaman polis

Dua orang polis menyerang seorang awam semasa rusuhan yang berlangsung di Harlem, New York pada tahun 1964. [Gambar ditangkap seorang jurugambar bersama akhbar New York World Telegraph & Sun]

Keganasan polis merupakan perbuatan salah laku polis yang melibatkan penggunaan kekerasan yang tidak patut dan melampau oleh anggotanya.[1] Kekerasan sebegini dapat dilihat di banyak negara, termasuklah negara di mana pemerintahnya mengharamkan tingkah laku ini dalam undang-undang.[2]


  1. ^ Martinelli TJ. (2007). Minimizing Risk by Defining off-Duty Police Misconduct
  2. ^ "Police Brutality: A Prisoner was shamefully beaten by Officers, he was Kicked and Pounded in a Cell ---Probably Fatally Injured". Chicago Daily Tribune. October 12, 1872.

Untuk bacaan lanjut

  • della Porta, D., A. Peterson and H. Reiter, eds. (2006). The Policing of Transnational Protest. Aldershot, Ashgate.
  • della Porta, D. and H. Reiter (1998). Policing Protest: The Control of Mass Demonstrations in Western Democracies. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press.
  • Donner, F. J. 1990. Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads and Police Repression in Urban America. Berkeley, University of California Press.
  • Earl, Jennifer S. and Sarah A. Soule. 2006. "Seeing Blue: A Police-Centered Explanation of Protest Policing." Mobilization 11(2): 145–164.
  • Hessbruegge, Jan Arno, Human Rights and Personal Self-Defense in International Law, Oxford University Press (2017) [1]
  • McPhail, Clark, David Schweingruber, and John D. McCarthy (1998). "Protest Policing in the United States, 1960–1995." pp. 49–69 in Policing Protest: The Control of Mass Demonstrations in Western Democracies, edited by D. della Porta and H. Reiter. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Oliver, P. (2008). "Repression and Crime Control: Why Social Movements Scholars Should Pay Attention to Mass Incarceration Rates as a Form of Repression" Mobilization 13(1): 1–24.
  • Ross, J.I. (2000). Making News of Police Violence: A Comparative Study of Toronto and New York City, Westport, CT: Praeger.
  • Zwerman G, Steinhoff P. (2005). "When activists ask for trouble: state-dissident interactions and the new left cycle of resistance in the United States and Japan." In Repression and Mobilization, ed. C. Davenport, H. Johnston, C. Mueller, pp. 85–107. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

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