Perang Krimea

Perang Krimea

Pengepungan Sevastopol 1904
Keputusan Kemenangan Pihak Sekutu, Perjanjian Paris
Pihak yang terlibat

 Empayar Uthmaniyah

 Empayar British[a]
Piedmont-Sardinia Sardinia[b]
Dibantu oleh:
 Empayar Austria
Imamat Caucasus [c]

 Empayar Rusia

  • border=no Mingrelia
Pemberontak Kurdi[3][4][c]
Total: 603,132
 • 40,000[1]
 • 10,000[2]
Total: 889,000[5]

888,000 digerakkan
324,478 dikerahkan
Kerugian dan korban
10,100 mati dalam tindakan
10,800 mati akibat kecederaan
24,500 mati akibat penyakit
8,490 mati dalam tindakan;
11,750 mati akibat kecederaan;
75,375 mati akibat penyakit
39,870 cedera
2,755 mati dalam tindakan
1,847 mati akibat kecederaan
17,580 mati akibat penyakit
18,280 cedera
28 mati dalam tindakan
2,138 mati akibat penyakit
35,671 mati dalam tindakan
37,454 mati akibat kecederaan
377,000 mati akibat penyakit
80,000 cedera[5][6]

Perang Krimea, juga dikenali di Rusia sebagai Perang Timur (Rusia: Восточная война, Vostochnaya Voina) (1853–1856) ialah satu peperangan yang terjadi antara Empayar Rusia melawan sekutu yang terdiri dari Perancis, United Kingdom, Kerajaan Sardinia, dan Empayar Uthmaniyyah. Kebanyakan konflik terjadi di Semenanjung Krimea, dengan pertempuran lainnya terjadi di Turki barat dan Laut Baltik. Perang Krimea juga dianggap sebagai konflik era moden pertama yang mempengaruhi peperangan di masa depan.[7]

Lihat juga

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ a b c "Arab involvement in Crimean War 'erased from history'". Al Arabiya English. 3 March 2014.
  2. ^ a b McGregor, Andrew. "The Tunisian Army in the Crimean War: A Military Mystery". Dicapai pada 4 December 2019.
  3. ^ Eskander, Saad (2014). "Britain's Policy Towards The Kurdish Question, 1915-1923" (PDF). The London School of Economics And Political Science. m/s. 25. During the Ottoman-Russian War of 1853-1856, a great Kurdish revolt broke out against the Ottomans with the support of local Christian communities. Yazdan Shir, the leader of this revolt, attempted to co-ordinate his military efforts with the Russian armies. But he failed to establish a direct communication line with Russian forces. According to Ahmad, the Ottoman forces succeeded, with direct British support, in suppressing this revolt.
  4. ^ Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies: JSAS (dalam bahasa Inggeris). The Society. 1999. m/s. 110. A Polish renegade named Mahmud Efendi was sent with Ottoman troops under orders from General Williams and Vasif Pasha to deal with the revolt of the Bukhti Kurdish chieftain, Yazdan Shir in winter 1855. Rather than fighting a war to the death, Mahmud negotiated Yazdan Shir's surrender.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Clodfelter 2017, m/s. 180.
  6. ^ Mara Kozelsky, "The Crimean War, 1853–56." Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 13.4 (2012): 903–917 online.
  7. ^ Royle. Preface


  • Bridge and Bullen, The Great Powers and the European States System 1814-1914, (Pearson Education: London), 2005
  • Bamgart, Winfried The Crimean War, 1853-1856 (2002) Arnold Publishers ISBN 0-340-61465-X
  • Ponting, Clive The Crimean War (2004) Chatto and Windus ISBN 0-7011-7390-4
  • Pottinger Saab, Anne The Origins of the Crimean Alliance (1977) University of Virginia Press ISBN 0-8139-0699-7
  • Rich, Norman Why the Crimean War: A Cautionary Tale (1985) McGraw-Hill ISBN 0-07-052255-3
  • Royce, Simon The Crimean War and its place in European Economic History (2001) University of London Press ISBN 0-3825-2868-6
  • Royle, Trevor Crimea: The Great Crimean War, 1854-1856 (2000) Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 1-4039-6416-5
  • Schroeder, Paul W. Austria, Great Britain, and the Crimean War: The Destruction of the European Concert (1972) Cornell University Press ISBN 0-8014-0742-7
  • Wetzel, David The Crimean War: A Diplomatic History (1985) Columbia University Press ISBN 0-88033-086-4

Senarai pustaka

  • Hamley, The War in the Crimea, (London, 1891)
  • Kinglake, The Invasion of the Crimea, (nine volumes, London, 1863-87)
  • Russell, The War in the Crimea, 1854-56, (London, 1855-56)
  • Marx, The Eastern Question, 1853-56, (translated by E. M. and E. Aveling, London, 1897)
  • Lodomir, La guerre de 1853-56, (Paris, 1857)
  • Kovalevski, Der Krieg Russlands mit der Türkei in den Jahren 1853-54, (Leipzig, 1869)
  • Rein, Die Teilnahme Sardiniens am Krimkrieg und de öffentliche Meinung in Italien, (Leipzig, 1910)

Pautan luar

Preview of references

  1. ^ a b From 1854
  2. ^ a b From 1855
  3. ^ a b Until 1855
  4. ^ Until 1854