Senarai lukisan termahal

Berikut adalah senarai harga termahal yang telah dibayar untuk sesebuah lukisan. Lukisan-lukisan yang sangat bernilai, biasanya tidak dijual di lelongan awam.

Lukisan-lukisan paling terkenal di dunia, terutamanya yang dilukis sebelum tahun 1800, umumnya dimiliki oleh muzium, yang mana amat jarang menjualnya, dan oleh itu, harganya adalah tak ternilai. Guinness World Records telah menyenaraikan lukisan Mona Lisa sebagai sebuah lukisan yang memiliki nilai insurans tertinggi dalam sejarah. Ia telah dinilai pada AS$100 juta pada 14 Disember, 1962, sebelum lukisan dipamerkan ke seluruh Amerika Syarikat untuk beberapa bulan. Walau bagaimanapun, Louvre memutuskan untuk mempertingkat langkah-langkah keselamatan ke atas lukisan ini dan bukannya membayar premium insurans. Mengambil kira faktor inflasi, nilai pada tahun 1962 mungkin bernilai kira-kira AS$670 juta pada tahun 2006.

Senarai harga tertinggi yang dibayar semasa lelongan atau jualan persendirian (inflasi diselaraskan)

Senarai berikut disusun berdasarkan indeks harga pengguna[1] (dihitamkan) di dalam nilai Dolar Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 2008. Mulanya, harga akan ditukar berdasarkan nilai kadar pertukaran matawang semasa penjualan lukisan dilakukan. Pelarasan inflasi mungkin berubah kerana kadar inflasi semasa selalu dinilai semula. Senarai di dalam nilai matawang lain mungkin sedikit berbeza disebabkan perbezaan kecil nilai turun-naik kadar tukaran matawang. Lukisan-lukisan hanya disenaraikan sekali sahaja, iaitu harga tertinggi yang dijual.

Harga diselaraskan (dalam juta) Harga asal (dalam juta) Lukisan Artis Tahun Tahun dijual Penjual Pembeli Pusat lelongan
$149.6 $140 No. 5, 1948 Jackson Pollock 1948 2006 David Geffen David Martinez ? Jualan persendirian
$147.0 $137.5 Woman III Willem de Kooning 1953 2006 David Geffen Steven A. Cohen Jualan persendirian melalui Larry Gagosian
$144.4 $135 Potret Adele Bloch-Bauer I Gustav Klimt 1907 2006 Maria Altmann Ronald Lauder, Neue Galerie Jualan persendirian
$136.1 $82.5 Potret Dr. Gachet Vincent van Gogh 1890 1990 Siegfried Kramarsky family Ryoei Saito [2] Christie's, New York
$128.8 $78.1 Bal au moulin de la Galette, Montmartre[3] Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1876 1990 Betsey Whitney Ryoei Saito [4] Sotheby's, New York
$118.9 $104.2 Garçon à la pipe Pablo Picasso 1905 2004 Yayasan Greentree (keluarga Whitney) Sotheby's, New York
$102.3 $53.9 Irises Vincent van Gogh 1889 1987 anak lelaki kepada Joan Whitney Payson Alan Bond [5] Sotheby's, New York
$101.8 $95.2 Dora Maar au Chat Pablo Picasso 1941 2006 keluarga Gidwitz Sotheby's, New York
$100.8 $58 ditambah pertukaran kerja "Potret Joseph Roulin" Vincent van Gogh 1889 1989 Koleksi persendirian Swiss Muzium Seni Moden New York Jualan persendirian[6] melalui Thomas Ammann Fine Art Zurich
$94.6 $71.5 Portrait de l'artiste sans barbe Vincent van Gogh 1889 1998 pewaris kepada Jacques Koerfer Christie's, New York
$94.0 $87.9 Potret Adele Bloch-Bauer II Gustav Klimt 1912 2006 Maria Altmann Christie's, New York
$91.9 $76.7 (£49.5) Massacre of the Innocents Peter Paul Rubens 1611 2002 satu keluarga Austria Kenneth Thomson [7] Sotheby's, London
$86.3 $86.3 Triptych, 1976 Francis Bacon 1976 2008 Roman Abramovich [8] Diarkibkan 2009-06-20 di Wayback Machine Sotheby's, New York
$85.7 $49.3 (F300) Les Noces de Pierrette Pablo Picasso 1905 1989 Fredrik Roos Tomonori Tsurumaki Binoche et Godeau Paris
$85.6 $80.0 False Start [8] Jasper Johns 1959 2006 David Geffen Kenneth C. Griffin Jualan persendirian melalui Richard Gray
$85.1 $57 A Wheatfield with Cypresses Vincent van Gogh 1889 1993 anak lelaki kepada Emil Georg Bührle Walter H. Annenberg [9] Jualan persendirian melalui Steven Mazoh
$83.2 $47.85 Yo, Picasso Pablo Picasso 1901 1989 Wendell Cherry Stavros Niarchos Sotheby's, New York
$80.4 $80.4 (£40.9) Le Bassin aux Nymphéas Claude Monet 1919 2008 J. Irwin dan Xenia S. Miller Christie's, London
$78.3 $60.5 Rideau, Cruchon et Compotier [10] Paul Cézanne 1894 1999 keluarga Whitney Sotheby's, New York
$75.7 $72.8 White Center (Yellow, Pink and Lavender on Rose) Mark Rothko 1950 2007 David Rockefeller, Sr. Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani[11] Sotheby's, New York
$75.4 $39.7 (£24.75) Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers Vincent van Gogh 1888 1987 menantu perempuan kepada Chester Beatty Yasuo Goto, Yasuda Comp. Christie's, London
$74.6 $71.7 Green Car Crash (Green Burning Car I) Andy Warhol 1963 2007 Koleksi peribadi, Switzerland Christie's, New York
$70.8 $40.7 Au Lapin Agile Pablo Picasso 1904 1989 anak perempuan kepada Joan Whitney Payson Walter H. Annenberg Sotheby's, New York
$70.6 $70.6 (£50) Diana and Actaeon Titian 1556-1559 2009 Duke Sutherland Galeri Kebangsaan Scotland & Galeri Kebangsaan, London Jualan persendirian [9] [10] [11]
$70.2 $38.5 (£20.9) Acrobate et jeune Arlequin [12] Pablo Picasso 1905 1988 pewaris kepada Roger Janssen? Mitsukoshi Christie's, London
$68.9 $55.0 Femme aux Bras Croisés Pablo Picasso 1902 2000 keluarga McCormick, Chicago Christie's, New York
$67.9 $63.5 Police Gazette Willem de Kooning 1955 2006 David Geffen Steven A. Cohen Jualan persendirian, Richard Gray Gallery
$65.0 $48.4 Le Rêve [13] Pablo Picasso 1932 1997 Ganz family Wolfgang Flöttl [12] Christie's, New York.
$64.2 $49.6 Femme assise dans un jardin Pablo Picasso 1938 1999 Robert Saidenberg Sotheby's, New York
$63.8 $47.5 Peasant Woman Against a Background of Wheat Vincent van Gogh 1890 1997 Stephen Wynn [14] Jualan persendirian melalui Acquavella Galleries Inc., New York
$61.2 $35.2 Potret Halberdier Pontormo 1537 1989 Chauncey Devereaux Stillman Muzium Getty Christie's, New York



  1. ^ nilai diselaras inflasi
  2. ^ Reportedly, Gachet's portrait was privately resold to a European buyer in 1997 or 1998 for $65-$90 million through Sotheby’s [1] Diarkibkan 2011-07-25 di Wayback Machine [2]
  3. ^ This is the small version of the painting; the large version is at Musée d'Orsay.
  4. ^ Privately resold for ca. $50 million through Sotheby’s in 1997 [3]
  5. ^ Alan Bond could not pay off the painting, and Irises was resold (probably for somewhat less) to the Getty Museum.
  6. ^ Kimmelman, Michael: How the MoMA got the Van Gogh, New York Times, 09 October 1989.
  7. ^ Later in 2002, Thomson donated his private collection, including the Rubens, to the Art Gallery of Ontario [4] Diarkibkan 2006-10-08 di Wayback Machine
  8. ^ Most expensive painting by a living artist
  9. ^ Annenberg donated it subsequently to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  10. ^ Steve Wynn, who bid on the painting at auction, privately acquired the work several months later from the unidentified buyer for an undisclosed, supposedly lower price. Kenneth Griffin acquired it in 2004 from Wynn [5]. Some news articles, probably by mistake, claim that Griffin was the buyer at Sotheby's in 1999 [6].
  11. ^ Thornton, Sarah; Adam, Georgina (May 4, 2008), "Revealed: $72.8m Rockefeller Rothko has gone to Qatar", The Art Newspaper
  12. ^ resold for £12m to Stavros Niarchos in 1993
  13. ^ In October 2006, Steve Wynn purportedly agreed to sell Le Rêve to Steven Cohen for $139 million, but Wynn accidentally elbowed a hole in the middle of the canvas, thus scuppering the sale. The sale would have made Le Rêve the most expensive painting at the time.
  14. ^ On Oct. 7, 2005, The New York Times reported that Steven Cohen bought van Gogh's "Peasant Woman Against a Background of Wheat" and Gauguin's "Bathers" (1903) from Steve Wynn for approximately $110 million [7], though guesses range from $100-150 million. One or both of the paintings may thus occur higher on this list.

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