Moħammed VI

Moħammed VI
Re tal-Marokk

23 Lulju 1999 -
Ħassan II
Twelid Rabat, 21 Awwissu 1963 (61 sena)
Nazzjonalità Marokk
Grupp etniku Għarab
L-ewwel lingwa Għarbi
Missier Ħassan II
Omm Lalla Latifa
Konjuga/i Princess Lalla Salma Bennani (en) Translate
  • Princess Lalla Khadija of Morocco (en) Translate
    Moulay Hassan, Crown Prince of Morocco (en) Translate
  • Prince Moulay Rachid of Morocco (en) Translate
    Princess Lalla Hasnaa of Morocco (en) Translate
    Princess Lalla Asma of Morocco (en) Translate
    Princess Lalla Meryem of Morocco (en) Translate
  • Mohammed V of Morocco (en) Translate (nannu)
Tribù 'Alawi dynasty (en) Translate
Alma mater Mohammed V University (en) Translate 1985) Liċenzjat : liġi
Collège Royal (en) Translate Ġunju 1981) baccalauréat (en) Translate
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (en) Translate 1994) dottorat : liġi
University of Côte d'Azur (en) Translate
Lingwi Għarbi
Okkupazzjoni king (en) Translate
mexxej militari
  • Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order  (27 Ottubru 1980)
    Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic‎ Collar of the Order of Isabella the Catholic‎  (16 Settembru 2000)
    Order of the Three Stars, 2nd Class Order of the Three Stars, 2nd Class  (14 Mejju 2007)
    Grand Cross of the Order of Wissam El Alaouite Grand Cross of the Order of Wissam El Alaouite
    Order of the Liberator General San Martín Order of the Liberator General San Martín  (7 Diċembru 2004)
    Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold  (5 Ottubru 2004)
    Grand Collar of the Order of the Southern Cross Grand Collar of the Order of the Southern Cross  (26 Novembru 2004)
    Order of Bernardo O'Higgins Order of Bernardo O'Higgins  (3 Diċembru 2004)
    Collar of the Order of Charles III Collar of the Order of Charles III  (14 Jannar 2005)
    Silver Star Silver Star  (21 Jannar 2002)
    Order of the Equatorial Star Order of the Equatorial Star
    Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour  (19 Marzu 2000)
    Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic  (11 April 2000)
    Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum  (7 Marzu 1987)
    Grand Cross of the Order of the Aztec Eagle Grand Cross of the Order of the Aztec Eagle  (11 Frar 2005)
    Knight of the Garter Knight of the Garter  (25 Marzu 1995)
    Order of the Nile Order of the Nile  (28 Ottubru 2002)
    Grand Collar of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword Grand Collar of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword  (29 Ġunju 2016)
    Grand Cross of the Order of La Pléiade Grand Cross of the Order of La Pléiade  (24 Mejju 2017)
    Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum  (28 Novembru 2005)
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic  (18 Marzu 1997)
    Ellis Island Medal of Honor Ellis Island Medal of Honor  (2019)
    Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry  (26 Marzu 1993)
    Grand Cross of the Military Order of Avis Grand Cross of the Military Order of Avis
    Order of the Throne Order of the Throne
    Grand Cross of the National Order of Mali Grand Cross of the National Order of Mali
    Order of al-Hussein bin Ali Order of al-Hussein bin Ali
    Nishan-e-Pakistan Nishan-e-Pakistan
    Order of Civil Merit Order of Civil Merit
    Order of the Republic of The Gambia Order of the Republic of The Gambia
    Order of the Republic Order of the Republic
    Order of Independence Order of Independence
    Order of Merit Order of Merit
    Order of Umayyad Order of Umayyad
    Order of Mubarak the Great Order of Mubarak the Great
    Order of Valour Order of Valour  (17 Ġunju 2004)
    Order of the Niger Order of the Niger
    The National Order of Burkina Faso The National Order of Burkina Faso
    Congolese Order of Merit Congolese Order of Merit
    Order of King Abdulaziz al Saud Order of King Abdulaziz al Saud
    National Order of Merit National Order of Merit
    National Order of Madagascar National Order of Madagascar
    Order of Aviz Order of Aviz
    Order of the Star of Ghana Order of the Star of Ghana
    Order of the 7th November 1987 Order of the 7th November 1987
    Order of the Dannebrog Order of the Dannebrog
    Order of the Sun of Peru Order of the Sun of Peru
    Order of the Republic of Serbia Order of the Republic of Serbia
    Chief Commander of the Legion of Merit Chief Commander of the Legion of Merit  (15 Jannar 2021)
    Order of Pahlavi Order of Pahlavi
    Grand Cross, Special Class of the Order of the Sun of Peru Grand Cross, Special Class of the Order of the Sun of Peru
    Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of the Aztec Eagle Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of the Aztec Eagle
    honorary doctorate : George Washington University (en) Translate  (22 Ġunju 2000)

Moħammed VI (bl-Għarbi: محمد السادس; Rabat, 21 ta' Awwissu 1963) huwa ir-re preżenti tal-Marokk u laħaq re fit-23 ta' Lulju 1999, wara il-mewt ta' missieru, ir-re Ħassan II.

Mohammed VI flimkien mal-President Amerikan George W. Bush fit-23 ta' April 2003
Ħassan II
Re tal-Marokk

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