Sphaerodactylus | |
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Systematikk | |
Rike: | Dyr Animalia |
Rekkje: | Ryggstrengdyr Chordata |
Underrekkje: | Virveldyr Vertebrata |
Klasse: | Krypdyr Reptilia |
Orden: | Skjelkrypdyr Squamata |
Underorden: | Gekkota |
Familie: | Sphaerodactylidae |
Slekt: | Sphaerodactylus Wagler, 1830 |
Sphaerodactylus er ei artsrik slekt av svært små gekkoar.
Dei lever i Amerika frå Florida i USA til norddelen av Sør-Amerika, og er vanlege på dei karibiske øyane.
Den minste arten er Sphaerodactylus ariasae, som blei skildra i Den dominikanske republikken i 2001. Han er 16 mm frå snutespissen til rota av halen, og er dermed den minste arten av alle amniotar. Fleire froskar er mindre, så arten er likevel ikkje det minste av alle landlevande virveldyr.
Dei følgjande 107 artane med latinske og engelske namn er taksonomisk godkjende.[1]
- Sphaerodactylus alphus [James Randall McCranie - Guanaja large-scaled geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus altavelensis Noble, 1933 - Alto Velo least gecko, Alto Velo sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus argivus Garman, 1888 - Cayman least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus argus Gosse, 1850 - ocellated gecko, ocellated sphaero, stippled sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus ariasae Hedges & Thomas, 2001 - Jaragua sphaero, Jaragua dwarf gecko
- Sphaerodactylus armasi Schwartz & Garrido, 1974 - Guantanamo least gecko, Guantanamo coastal gecko
- Sphaerodactylus armstrongi Noble, 1933 - Armstrong's least gecko, southern forest geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus asterulus Schwartz & Graham, 1980 - Haitian least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus beattyi Grant, 1937 - Saint Croix's sphaero, Beatty's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus becki Schmidt, 1919 - Beck's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus bromeliarum G. Peters & Schwartz, 1977 - El Yunque least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus caicosensis Cochran, 1934 - Caicos banded sphaero, Caicos least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus callocricus Schwartz, 1976 - rough-banded sphaero, callous least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus celicara Garrido & Schwartz, 1982 - Baracoan eyespot sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus cinereus Wagler, 1830 - gray gecko
- Sphaerodactylus clenchi Shreve, 1968 - peninsula least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus cochranae Ruibal, 1946 - Cochran's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus continentalis F. Werner, 1896 - upper Central American geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus copei Steindachner, 1867 - Cope's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus corticola Garman, 1888 - central Bahamas sphaero, Rum Cay least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus cricoderus Thomas, Hedges & Garrido, 1992 - Turquino collared sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus cryphius Thomas & Schwartz, 1977 - Bakoruco least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus dacnicolor Barbour, 1910 - Jamaican tailspot sphaero, eastern Jamaican sharpnosed sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus darlingtoni Shreve, 1968 - Darlington's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus difficilis Barbour, 1914 - Hispaniolan eyespot sphaero, difficult least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus dimorphicus Fong & Díaz, 2004 - Santiago de Cuba geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus docimus Schwartz & Garrido, 1985 - Cabo Cruz banded sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus dunni Schmidt, 1936 - Dunn's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus elasmorhynchus Thomas, 1966 - Marche Leon least gecko, snout-shield sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus elegans Macleay, 1834 - ashy gecko
- Sphaerodactylus elegantulus Barbour, 1917 - Antigua least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus epiurus Thomas & Hedges, 1993 - Hispaniolan tailspot sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus exsul Barbour, 1914 - Swan Islands geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus fantasticus A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron, 1836 - fantastic least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus gaigeae Grant, 1932 -chevronated sphaero, Gaige's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus gilvitorques Cope, 1862 - Jamaican collared sphaero, Jamaican least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus glaucus Cope, 1866 - collared dwarf gecko, least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus goniorhynchus Cope, 1895 - Jamaican forest sphaero, Cakoarita least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus grandisquamis Stejneger, 1904 - big-scaled least gecko, big-scaled dwarf gecko, cotton ginner
- Sphaerodactylus graptolaemus Harris & Kluge, 1984 - Costa Rica least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus guanajae McCranie & Hedges, 2012 - Guanaja head-spotted geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus heliconiae Harris, 1982
- Sphaerodactylus homolepis Cope, 1886 - Caribbean least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus inaguae Noble, 1932[2] - Inagua sphaero, Inagua least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus inigoi Thomas & Schwartz, 1966 - Isla Vieques dwarf gecko
- Sphaerodactylus intermedius Barbour & Ramsden, 1919 - Mantanzas least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus kirbyi Lazell, 1994 - Bequia dwarf gecko, Bequia sphaero, Grenadines sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus klauberi Grant, 1931 - Klauber's dwarf gecko, Klauber's least gecko, Puerto Rican highland sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus ladae Thomas & Hedges, 1988 - Martin Garcia least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus lazelli Shreve, 1968 - Cap-Haitien least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus leonardovaldesi McCranie & Hedges, 2012
- Sphaerodactylus leucaster Schwartz, 1973 - eastern least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus levinsi Heatwole, 1968 - Desecheo gecko, Isla Desecheo least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus lineolatus Lichtenstein & von Martens, 1856 - Panama least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus macrolepis Günther, 1859 - big-scaled least gecko, big-scaled dwarf gecko, cotton ginner
- Sphaerodactylus mariguanae Cochran, 1934 - southern Bahamas sphaero, Mayaguana least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus microlepis J.T. Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862 - little-scaled least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus micropithecus Schwartz, 1977 - Monito gecko
- Sphaerodactylus millepunctatus Hallowell, 1861 - spotted least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus molei Boettger, 1894 - Tobago least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus monensis Meerwarth, 1901 - Mona least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus nicholsi Grant, 1931 - Nichols least gecko, Nichol's dwarf sphaero, Puerto Rican crescent sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus Gray, 1845 - black-spotted least gecko, three-banded sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus notatus Baird, 1859 - reef gecko, brown-speckled sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus nycteropus Thomas & Schwartz, 1977 - Morne Dubois least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus ocoae Schwartz, 1977 - Peravia least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus oliveri Grant, 1944 - Juventud least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus omoglaux Thomas, 1982 - Fond Parisien least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus oxyrhinus Gosse, 1850 - Jamaican sharpnosed sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus pacificus Stejneger, 1903 - Pacific least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus parkeri (Grant, 1939) - Parker's least gecko, southern Jamaica banded sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus parthenopion Thomas, 1965 - Virgin Islands dwarf sphaero, Virgin Gorda least gecko, Virgin Islands dwarf gecko
- Sphaerodactylus parvus King, 1962 - Anguilla Bank geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus perissodactylius Thomas & Hedges, 1988 - Dominican least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus phyzacinus Thomas, 1964 - Les Saintes geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus pimienta Thomas, Hedges & Garrido, 1998 - pepper sphaero, Cuban pepper sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus plummeri Thomas & Hedges, 1992 - Barahona big-scaled sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus poindexteri McCranie & Hedges, 2013 - Utila small-scaled geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus ramsdeni Ruibal, 1959 - Ramsden's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus randi Shreve, 1968 - Pedernales least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus rhabdotus Schwartz, 1970 - two-striped sphaero, Vallede Neiba least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus richardi Hedges & Garrido, 1993 - Richard's banded sphaero, Zapata big-scaled sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus richardsonii Gray, 1845 - Richardson's least gecko, northern Jamaica banded sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus roosevelti Grant, 1931 - Roosevelt's beige sphaero, Roosevelt's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus rosaurae Parker, 1940 - Bay Island least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus ruibali Grant, 1959 - Ruibal's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus sabanus Cochran, 1938 - Saba least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus samanensis Cochran, 1932 - Samana least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus savagei Shreve, 1968 - Altagracia speckled sphaero, Savage's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus scaber Barbour & Ramsden, 1919 - double-collared sphaero, Camaguey least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus scapularis Boulenger, 1902 - Boulenger's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus schuberti Thomas & Hedges, 1998 - Neiba agave geckolet, Neiba agave sphaero, Schubert's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus schwartzi Thomas, Hedges & Garrido, 1992 - Guantanamo collared sphaero, Monitongas collared geckolet, Schwartz's dwarf gecko
- Sphaerodactylus semasiops Thomas, 1975 - Cockpit eyespot sphaero, Cockpit least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus shrevei Lazell, 1961 - Shreve's least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus siboney Fong & Diaz, 2004 - Siboney gray-headed geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus sommeri Graham, 1981 - TerreNueve least gecko, Terre-Neuve least gecko, northwest Haitian banded geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus sputator (Sparrman, 1784) - island least gecko
- Sphaerodactylus storeyae Grant, 1944 - Isle of Pines sphaero, Los Canarreos sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus streptophorus Thomas & Schwartz, 1977 - Hispaniola least gecko, Hispaniolan small-eared sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus thompsoni Schwartz & Franz, 1976 - Thompson's least gecko, Barahona limestone sphaero
- Sphaerodactylus torrei Barbour, 1914 - Barbour's least gecko, Cuban broad-banded geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus townsendi Grant, 1931 - Townsend's least gecko, Townsend's dwarf sphaero, Puerto Rican sandy geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus underwoodi Schwartz, 1968 - Underwood's least gecko, Turks Islands geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus vincenti Boulenger, 1891 - Vincent's least gecko, Central Lesser Antillean sphaero, Windward geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus williamsi Thomas & Schwartz, 1983 - Williams's least gecko, Haitian striped geckolet
- Sphaerodactylus zygaena Schwartz, 1977 - Dame-Marie least gecko, Tiburon coastal geckolet
- Merk: Eit vitskapleg namn i parentes viser at arten opphavleg blei plassert i ei anna slekt enn Sphaerodactylus.
- ↑ Genus Sphaerodactylus ved The Reptile Database www.reptile-database.org.
- ↑ Noble GK, Klingel GC (1932). "The Reptiles of Great Inagua Island, British West Indies". American Museum Novitates (549): 1–25. [1] [2]
- Denne artikkelen bygger på «Sphaerodactylus» frå Wikipedia på bokmål og «Sphaerodactylus» frå Wikipedia på engelsk, den 20. mars 2022.