Dan Banik
Dan Banik | |||
Født | 1969[1][2]![]() | ||
Beskjeftigelse | Professor ![]() | ||
Arbeidssted | Universitetet i Oslo |
Dan Banik (født 1969) er professor i statsvitenskap og forskningsleder ved Senter for utvikling og miljø ved Universitetet i Oslo. Han er også «consulting scholar» ved Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) ved Stanford University, samt gjesteprofessor ved China Agricultural University i Beijing i Kina.
Banik leder Oslo SDG Initiative og den interdisiplinære forskningsgruppen Poverty and Development in the 21st Century (PAD) ved Universitetet i Oslo. Han har forsket i India, Kina, Bangladesh, Malawi, Uganda, Etiopia, Tanzania, Sør-Afrika og Mexico.
Banik har tidligere ledet referansegruppen til Fondet for miljømessig– og sosialt bærekraftig utvikling (TFESSD) i Verdensbanken, og sittet i styret til Kronprinsparets humanitære fond.
Banik skriver en fast ukentlig spalte med tittel "In Pursuit of Development" for The Nation i Malawi.
- Political Transition, Poverty and Inclusive Development in Malawi: The Democratic Dividend (with Blessings Chinsinga, Routledge, 2016) (Open access)
- The Legal Empowerment Agenda: Poverty, Labour and the Informal Economy in Africa, London: Ashgate (2011)
- Poverty and Elusive Development, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press/Universitetsforlaget (2010) (Open access)
- Rights and Legal Empowerment in Eradicating Poverty, London: Ashgate (2008)
- Starvation and India's Democracy, London: Routledge (2007 & 2009)
- Poverty, Politics and Development: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (2006)
Utvalgte artikler
- "Bypassing Government: Aid Effectiveness and Malawi's Local Development Fund" (with Michael Chasukwa), Politics and Governance 7(2): 103–116 (2019) (Open access)
- "Profits and Morals: The Business Journey from CSR to the SDGs in China" (with Ka Lin), Business and Politics (forthcoming 2019)
- "The Politics of Hunger: Food Policy in Malawi" (with Michael Chasukwa), Food Ethics (forthcoming 2019)
- "Institutional Bypass and Aid Effectiveness in Africa" (with Michael Chasukwa), WIDER working paper series March 2019, United Nations University, UNU-WIDER (2019). (Open access)
- "Coordinating Chinese Aid in a Globalized World", research article, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy (2019) (Open access Arkivert 20. september 2019 hos Wayback Machine.)
- "The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs: Integrating Development and Environment in Practice", The Calcutta Journal of Political Studies (2019)
- "Global Goals and the National Interest: Political Enthusiasm for Sustainable Development in China", in Sanjeev Chaddha (ed.), UN's Sustainable Development Goals: Panacea for Inclusive Development, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publishers (forthcoming 2019).
- "Taking Stock of the SDGs", in Deepak Dwivedi and Pooran Pandey (eds.), Leaving No One Behind: SDGs and South-South Cooperation, New Delhi: NITI AYOG/ Crossbill (2018)
- "Chinese engagement in Africa and Latin America: Does it Matter for State Capacity?", Third World Thematics (with Benedicte Bull, 2018)
- "The Legal Empowerment of the Poor", i Christopher May, Adam Winchester & Gill Gardner (reds.), The Edward Elgar Handbook on the Rule of Law (planlagt 2017)
- "New Business: The Private Sector as a New Global Development Player" (with Jason Miklian), Global Policy Journal (2017) (Open access)
- "The Digital Classroom: Innovation, Dissemination and Democratization of Knowledge", in Susanne Koch (ed.), Norwegian Agency for Digital Learning in Higher Education (forthcoming 2017)
- "An Exogenous Path of Development: Explaining the Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility in China" (with Ka Lin and Longfei Yi), International Journal of Social Quality (2016)
- "The Hungry Nation: Food Policy and Food Politics in India", Food Ethics, 1-29 (2016)
- "The Frontiers of Poverty Reduction in Emerging Asia" (with Arve Hansen), Forum for Development Studies (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08039410.2015.1134646
- "The Impact of Emerging Donors on Development and Poverty Reduction" (with Michael Chasukwa), chap. 9 in D. Banik & B. Chinsinga (eds.), Political Transition and Inclusive Development in Malawi: The Democratic Dividend, New York: Routledge (2016)
- "The State of Food Security: From Availability, Access and Rights to Food Systems Approaches" (with Ola T. Westengen), Forum for Development Studies (2016).
- "Difference or Indifference: China's Development Assistance Unpacked" (with Li Xiaoyun, Tang Lixia and Wu Jin, IDS Bulletin, 45(4): 22-35. (2014)
- "Access to Justice and Social Unrest in China's Countryside: Disputes on Land Acquisition and Compensation" (with Zhou Chao), Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 6(2): 254-275. (2014)
- "Fieldwork amidst Poverty and Deprivation: Ethical Dilemmas and Policy Impact", Indian Anthropologist 44: 53-68. (2014)
- "Walking the Talk: Rights, Justice and the Fight Against Poverty" in Patrick Keyzer, Vesselin Popovski and Charles Sampford (ed.), Access to International Justice, London: Routledge (2014).
- "The Global Citizen and the Immorality of Poverty" in Aksel Braanen Sterri (ed.), Global Citizen: Challenges and Responsibilities in an Interconnected World, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2014).
- "The Pursuit of Inclusive Development in China: From Developmental to Rights-Based Social Protection" (with Li Xiaoyun), Indian Journal of Human Development, 7(1): 205-221. (2013)
- "China and Poverty Reduction in Africa", in Guanghua Yu (ed.), Rethinking Law and Development: The Chinese Experience, London: Routledge (2013).
- "Growth and Hunger in India", in Francis Fukuyama, Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner (eds.), Poverty, Inequality and Democracy, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. (2012)
- "Human Rights for Human Development: The Rhetoric and the Reality", Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 30(1) (2012).
- "Growth and Hunger in India", Journal of Democracy, 22 (3): 90-104. (2011)
- "Governing an Asian Giant: Judicial Activism on Hunger in India”, Journal of Asian Public Policy, 3(3), 2010
- “Support for Human Rights-Based Development: Reflections on the Malawian Experience”, The International Journal of Human Rights, 14(1), 2010.
- “Governing the Asian Giants: Development Policy in China and India” (with B. A. Andreassen), Journal of Asian Public Policy, 3(3), 2010.
- “Human Rights and Extreme Poverty: African Perspectives” (with B. A. Andreassen), The International Journal of Human Rights, 14(1), 2010.
- “Legal Empowerment as a Conceptual and Operational Tool in Fighting Poverty”, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 1 (1): 117-131, 2009.
- “The Potential of ‘Legal Empowerment’ in Eradicating Poverty”, Rights and Development Bulletin, 13(1), 2009.
- ^ Virtual International Authority File, oppført som Banik, Dan, 1969-, besøkt 11. januar 2023[Hentet fra Wikidata]
- ^ Tsjekkias nasjonale autoritetsdatabase, NKC-identifikator jo2013779827, besøkt 8. juni 2022[Hentet fra Wikidata]