Otto Jespersen
Otto Jesperen |
Naskad: 16 de julie, 1860 Loke de nasko: Randers, Dania Morid: 30 de aprile, 1943 Loke de morio: Roskilde, Dania Nationalitate: Dani Fake de fame: Linguistike |
Jens Otto Harry Jespersen o Otto Jespersen (16 de julie, 1860 - 30 de aprile, 1943) esed dani linguiste kel spesialisad in li gramatike de anglum. Lo naskad in Randers in nordi Jutland e studiad latinum e fransum in li Universitate de København. Lo anke studiad linguistike in li Universitate de Oxford in Anglia.
Lo es konosat pro sen libres pri li gramatike de anglum, sen laboros in li konstruktione del lingue Ido (1907) e pro sen kreatione del lingue Novial ye 1928.
Jens Otto Harry Jespersen naskad ye 16 de julie, 1860 in Randers, Dania. Lon patro esad distrikte judikere, e lon matra esad li filia del kleriko quo had es li unesmi profesoro de latin de Hans Andersen. Lon patro morid ye 1870, e lon matra kun omni filies movad a Hillerød, ma la morid kand Otto havad 13 yares. Lo vadad al publi skole de Frederiksborg e after al Universitate de Copenhagen.
Pri lon unesmi yares de studie Jespersen dikte in lon Farewell Lectures in li Universitate de København[1]:
As a boy I read with enthusiasm of Rasmus Rask and by the help of his grammars made a certain start in Icelandic, Italian and Spanish: while I was still at school I had on my own initiative read a good deal in these languages. I count it as a piece of luck that I had as my headmaster Carl Berg, who in a few small books had shown an interest in comparative philology and who lent me books, among others books by Max Müller and Whitney. After my parents' deaths, I was much in the house of an uncle whose main interest was in the Romanic literatures, and his collection of books was a treasured browsing place for me in my last years before going to the University.
In spite of these more or less childish studies I did not at once take to philology, but following a family tradition (my father, grandfather and great-grandfather held legal appointments) I turned to law .... When, after three or four years' study of law I gave it up, the linguistic study came as a freeing of one's personality from the mere learning by heart of paragraphs and the ready-made opinions of professors - which was all that the study of law consisted in at that time. It was this so-called study I reacted against. I wanted to go my own way and not to have my opinions dictated to me from outside.
For seven years I was a shorthand reporter in the house of parliament, this gave me my bread and butter during some years when otherwise I had nothing to live on. If I had not had that at my back, I should not have dared to take the plunge and leave law.
Durant kelki yares Jespersen did studia lingues in forme nonsistemati, e ye 1887 lo fad lon gradu de maestre kun fransum kom chefi teme e anglum e latinum kom duesmi temes.
Konstrukteti lingues
After emerita se ye 1925, Jespersen restad aktivi in li internationali lingui komunesi. Ulter kontinua tu skripte, lo konventad e presidad li unesim Internationali Renkontra pri Linguistiki Explora in Genève ye 1930, e esad presidante del Quaresmi Internationali Kongrese de Linguistes in København ye 1936[2].
Lon intereso pri planlingues aparid unesmifoy in januare 1904, kand lo skriptet un kurti diseratione por Englische Studien' pri li aptese del anglum kon mondelingue[3]. Lo refusad Volapük in lon yunese[3]. Louis Couturat kontaktad lo tu deveni parte del komite del Delegatione por li adoptione de internationali auxiliari lingue, kel lo fad[3]. Lo esed vicepresidante dar[3]. Dis Delegatione vud selekte ido.
After li fino del renkontro del Delegatione, in februare 1908, lo resepted letre da Couturat, kel esed destinat por Beaufront, in kel il did explika ke Couturat esed li kreatore de ido. Jespersen
[...] sendad retro li letre a Couturat cun questione, ob le esed posit in cuverte destinat a altri adresarie, e ob men conclusione ke Beaufront esed Ido, esed justi[3].
Kand Couturat konfirmad ke Beaufront esed li kreatore[3], Jespersen skripted a lo ye 27 februare 1908:
Me mus, dictent li veru, confese ke me non devenid gayi quand vu comunicad a me ke Ido es siniore de Beaufront. Me ha reflectet multim pri li afere e samtem com dise me prega lo cun emfase ke lo in li proximi numre de Progreso mey revela sen identitate. Me es convictet ke lo per disi publiki e candidi pasu ve fa al afere de LI li maxim grandi serva, e ke, inversim, continuat silentia ve damaja nos imensim. In li dura lo nonplus pove tena se cashat, on ja comensa suspecte lo. ... Si vu voli uniona vun preges cun tis de me, vu ve fa a me tre grandi serva, den si lo dura silentia, ve es por me factim tre desfacil continua labora in li comisione. Sr. Ostwald scripte ke lo concorda cun me. Me opine ke es necesari conditione por nor victoria ke nos luda absolutim ye cartes sur table, e ke on mem non ve pove susura ul suspecte pri nor fair play.
- ↑ Jespersen, Otto (1933) Linguistica, Collected Papers in English, French and German: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
- ↑ Falk, Julia S. 1992. Otto Jespersen, Leonard Bloomfield, and American Structural Linguistics. Language 68(3):465-491.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Jespersen, Otto (1937) Men labore por un international lingue: 1. Ante li mondemilite, in Novialiste
- 1889: The articulations of speech sounds represented by means of analphabetic symbols. Marburg: Elwert.
- 1894: Progress in Language. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
- 1905: Growth and Structure of the English Language (ISBN 0-226-39877-3)
- 1909: A Modern English Grammar (in set tomes) (ISBN 0-06-493318-0)
- 1922: Language: Its Nature, Development, and Origin (ISBN 0-04-400007-3)
- 1924: The Philosophy of Grammar (ISBN 0-226-39881-1)
- 1928: An International Language (li introductione de Novial)
- 1930: Novial Lexike Novial, Anglum, Fransum e Germanum lexike.
- 1937: Analytic Syntax (ISBN 0-226-39880-3)
- 1938: En sprogmands levned, Kopenhagen, li autobiografie de Jespersen
- 1993. A literary miscellany: proceedings of the Otto Jespersen Symposium April 29-30, edited de Jørgen Erik Nielsen e Arne Zettersten 1994
- 1995: A Linguist's Life: Anglum traduke del autobiografiem de Otto Jespersen, edited de Arne Juul, Hans Frede Nielsen e Jørgen Erik Nielsen, Odense (ISBN 87-7838-132-0)