A cidade é descrita como um quadrado de face igual a doze mil estádios,[3] iluminada de forma excepcional,[4] com um grande muro de cento e quarenta e quatro côvados[5] com doze portas, e cada porta tinha uma Pérola correspondendo as 12 tribos de Israel.[6]
Bernet, Claus: The Heavenly Jerusalem as a Central Belief in Radical Pietism in the Eighteenth Century, in: The Covenant Quarterly, 63, 4, 2005, p. 3-19.
La Cité de Dieu, ed. by Martin Hengel, Tübingen 2000.
La Gerusalemme celeste, ed. by Maria Luisa Gatti Perer, Milano 1983.
Kühnel, Bianca: From the Earthly to the Heavenly Jerusalem. Representations of the Holy City in Christian Art of the First Millennium, Rom 1987.
W. Tabbernee/Peter Lampe, Pepouza and Tymion: The Discovery and Archaeological Exploration of a Lost Ancient City and an Imperial Estate (deGruyter: Berlin/New York, 2008) ISBN 978-3-11-019455-5 und ISBN 978-3-11-020859-7