1782 în literatură

Ani în literatură


Anii 1700
1700 • 1701 • 1702 • 1703 • 1704
1705 • 1706 • 1707 • 1708 • 1709
Anii 1710
1710 • 1711 • 1712 • 1713 • 1714
1715 • 1716 • 1717 • 1718 • 1719
Anii 1720
1720 • 1721 • 1722 • 1723 • 1724
1725 • 1726 • 1727 • 1728 • 1729
Anii 1730
1730 • 1731 • 1732 • 1733 • 1734
1735 • 1736 • 1737 • 1738 • 1739
Anii 1740
1740 • 1741 • 1742 • 1743 • 1744
1745 • 1746 • 1747 • 1748 • 1749
Anii 1750
1750 • 1751 • 1752 • 1753 • 1754
1755 • 1756 • 1757 • 1758 • 1759
Anii 1760
1760 • 1761 • 1762 • 1763 • 1764
1765 • 1766 • 1767 • 1768 • 1769
Anii 1770
1770 • 1771 • 1772 • 1773 • 1774
1775 • 1776 • 1777 • 1778 • 1779
Anii 1780
1780 • 1781 • 1782 • 1783 • 1784
1785 • 1786 • 1787 • 1788 • 1789
Anii 1790
1790 • 1791 • 1792 • 1793 • 1794
1795 • 1796 • 1797 • 1798 • 1799
Anii 1800
1800 • 1801 • 1802 • 1803 • 1804
1805 • 1806 • 1807 • 1808 • 1809
Anii 1810
1810 • 1811 • 1812 • 1813 • 1814
1815 • 1816 • 1817 • 1818 • 1819
Anii 1820
1820 • 1821 • 1822 • 1823 • 1824
1825 • 1826 • 1827 • 1828 • 1829
Anii 1830
1830 • 1831 • 1832 • 1833 • 1834
1835 • 1836 • 1837 • 1838 • 1839
Anii 1840
1840 • 1841 • 1842 • 1843 • 1844
1845 • 1846 • 1847 • 1848 • 1849
Anii 1850
1850 • 1851 • 1852 • 1853 • 1854
1855 • 1856 • 1857 • 1858 • 1859
Anii 1860
1860 • 1861 • 1862 • 1863 • 1864
1865 • 1866 • 1867 • 1868 • 1869
Anii 1870
1870 • 1871 • 1872 • 1873 • 1874
1875 • 1876 • 1877 • 1878 • 1879
Anii 1880
1880 • 1881 • 1882 • 1883 • 1884
1885 • 1886 • 1887 • 1888 • 1889
Anii 1890
1890 • 1891 • 1892 • 1893 • 1894
1895 • 1896 • 1897 • 1898 • 1899

Anul 1782 în literatură a implicat o serie de evenimente și cărți noi semnificative.


Cărți noi

  • Elizabeth Blower - George Bateman
  • Fanny Burney - Cecilia
  • J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur - Letters from an American Farmer
  • Pierre Choderlos de Laclos - Les liaisons dangereuses
  • Betje Wolff - Historie van mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart


  • Vittorio Alfieri - Saul
  • Hannah Cowley - The Belle's Stratagem
  • Richard Cumberland - The Walloons
  • Denis Fonvizin - The Minor
  • Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian - Le Bon Ménage


  • William Cowper
    • The Diverting History of John Gilpin
    • Verses Supposed to be Written by Alexander Selkirk
    • Poeme
  • John Freeth - Modern Songs
  • William Hayley - An Essay on Epic Poetry in Five Epistles to Mason
  • William Mason
    • An Archaeological Epistle to Jeremiah Milles....
    • King Stephen's Watch
  • Hannah More - Sacred Dramas for Young Persons
  • Edward Rushton - The Dismember'd Empire (atribuită.)
  • John Scott - Poetical Works
  • Helen Maria Williams - Edwin and Eltruda
  • John Wolcot as "Peter Pindar" - Lyric Odes, to the Royal Academicians


  • Thomas Day - Reflections upon the Present State of England, and the Independence of America
  • William Gilpin - Observations on the River Wye, and Several Parts of South Wales
  • Edmund Malone - Cursory Observations on the Poems Attributed to Thomas Rowley
  • John Nichols - Biographical and Literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer
  • Thomas Pennant - The Journey from Chester to London
  • Isaac Reed - Biographia Dramatica
  • Joseph Ritson - Observations on the First Three Volumes of the History of English Poetry
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Confessions
  • Ignatius Sancho - Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, an African
  • Thomas Spence - The History of Crusonia on Robinson Crusoe's Island
  • Thomas Tyrwhitt - A Vindication of the Appendix to the Poems, called Rowley's
  • Joseph Warton - An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Pope
  • Thomas Warton - An Enquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems Attributed to Thomas Rowley





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