1957 în film

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Premiere românești


Filmele cu cele mai mari încasări

Filmele cu cele mai mari încasări din 1957 în SUA:

# Titlu Actori principali Studio Încasări
1. Podul de pe râul Kwai William Holden, Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins, Sessue Hayakawa Columbia $17.195.000
2. Peyton Place Lana Turner, Hope Lange 20th Century Fox $16,100,000
3. Sayonara Marlon Brando, Red Buttons Warner Brothers $10,500,000
4. Old Yeller* Tommy Kirk, Fess Parker Walt Disney Productions $10,050,000
5. Raintree County Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor, Eva Marie Saint, Lee Marvin MGM $5,963,000
6. Island in the Sun James Mason, Harry Belafonte, Joan Fontaine, Joan Collins, Dorothy Dandridge, Michael Rennie 20th Century Fox $5,550,000
7. Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? Jayne Mansfield, Tony Randall, Joan Blondell, Mickey Hargitay 20th Century Fox $4,900,000
8. A Farewell to Arms Rock Hudson, Jennifer Jones 20th Century Fox $4,865,000
9. Gunfight at the O.K. Corral Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas Paramount $4,700,000
10. Pal Joey Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra, Kim Novak Columbia $4,500,000
11. Jailhouse Rock Elvis Presley MGM $4,474,000
12. The Prince and the Showgirl Marilyn Monroe, Laurence Olivier Warner Brothers $4,300,000
13. Jeanne Eagels Kim Novak, Jeff Chandler Columbia $4,250,000
14. Fire Down Below Rita Hayworth, Robert Mitchum Columbia $4,000,000
15. Funny Face Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire Paramount $3,995,000
16. Loving You Elvis Presley, Dolores Hart Paramount $3,990,000
17. Jet Pilot John Wayne, Janet Leigh Universal $3,887,000
18. Witness for the Prosecution Tyrone Power, Marlene Dietrich, Charles Laughton, Elsa Lanchester United Artists $3,883,000
19. An Affair to Remember Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr 20th Century Fox $3,800,000
20. The Wayward Bus Jayne Mansfield, Joan Collins 20th Century Fox $3,776,000

(*) După relansarea cinematografică


Articol detaliat: Oscar 1957
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