P.C. Hooft-prijs[*][[P.C. Hooft-prijs (series of annual Dutch language literary lifetime achievement awards for prose (fiction), essays (non-fiction) and poetry, from 1947 until present, named after the poet P.C. Hooft)|]] Constantijn Huygens-prijs[*][[Constantijn Huygens-prijs (series of annually awarded Dutch literary prizes for complete oeuvres, named after the poet Constantijn Huygens.)|]] Ordinul de Merit al Republicii Federale Germania în grad de mare cruce[*] Jan Campert-prijs voor poëzie[*][[Jan Campert-prijs voor poëzie (series of Dutch literature prizes awarded annually for works of poetry, established in 1948 by the Jan Campert Foundation.)|]] Karlsmedaille für europäische Medien[*][[Karlsmedaille für europäische Medien |]] Multatuliprijs[*][[Multatuliprijs (Dutch literary award (1972-2002))|]] Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren[*][[Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren (series of oeuvre prizes awarded every three years by the Nederlandse Taalunie for literary works originally written in the Dutch language from Flanders and the Netherlands, since 1956)|]] Herman Gorterprijs[*][[Herman Gorterprijs (former series of poetry prizes awarded from 1972 to 2002 for a poem or collection of poetry)|]] F. Bordewijk-prijs[*][[F. Bordewijk-prijs (series of annual Dutch-language literary prizes awarded from 1979 to the author of the best Dutch-language prose book. Successor of the Vijverberg Prize (1948 to 1978))|]] Cestoda-prijs[*][[Cestoda-prijs |]] Premiul Anne Frank Dirk Martensprijs[*][[Dirk Martensprijs (annual literature award)|]] Cavaler al Ordinului Național al Legiunii de Onoare[*] Literaturpreis der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung[*][[Literaturpreis der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (literary award)|]] Ehrendoktor der Freien Universität Berlin[*][[Ehrendoktor der Freien Universität Berlin |]] Herman Gorterprijs[*][[Herman Gorterprijs (former series of poetry prizes awarded from 1972 to 2002 for a poem or collection of poetry)|]] Lucy B. en C.W. van der Hoogtprijs[*][[Lucy B. en C.W. van der Hoogtprijs (series of annual incentive prizes for Dutch literature, established by the Society of Dutch Literature. From 1925 to 1939, this award was called the C.W. van der Hoogtprijs.)|]] Gouden Uil[*][[Gouden Uil (series of former annual Belgian literature prizes for original Dutch literary work, awarded from 1995 to 2010. Followed up in 2012 by the Gouden Boekenuil)|]] ANV-Visser Neerlandia-prijs voor Drama[*][[ANV-Visser Neerlandia-prijs voor Drama (series of Dutch-language prizes awarded alternately from 1958 to playwrights and authors of radio plays and television plays)|]] Bob den Uyl-prijs[*][[Bob den Uyl-prijs |]] Horst-Bienek-Preis für Lyrik[*][[Horst-Bienek-Preis für Lyrik (German literary award for poetry)|]][1] Premiul Statului Austriac pentru literatură europeană[2]