Arkprijs van het Vrije Woord[*][[Arkprijs van het Vrije Woord (prize that honors people who are actively committed to freedom of thought)|]] Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren[*][[Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren (series of oeuvre prizes awarded every three years by the Nederlandse Taalunie for literary works originally written in the Dutch language from Flanders and the Netherlands, since 1956)|]] Anna Bijns Prijs[*][[Anna Bijns Prijs |]] Lucy B. en C.W. van der Hoogtprijs[*][[Lucy B. en C.W. van der Hoogtprijs (series of annual incentive prizes for Dutch literature, established by the Society of Dutch Literature. From 1925 to 1939, this award was called the C.W. van der Hoogtprijs.)|]] Henriëtte de Beaufort-prijs[*][[Henriëtte de Beaufort-prijs (series of triennial Dutch literary prizes for a literary-historical biography or an autobiography, from 1985 awarded alternately to a Dutch and a Flemish author)|]]