Format:Wolf Rilla
Filme regizate de
Wolf Rilla
Noose for a Lady (1953)
Glad Tidings (1953)
Marilyn (1953)
The Large Rope (1953)
The Black Rider (1954)
The End of the Road (1954)
Stock Car (1955)
The Blue Peter (1955)
Pacific Destiny (1956)
The Scamp (1957)
Bachelor of Hearts (1958)
Witness in the Dark (1959)
Orașul celor blestemați (1960) (refăcut în 1995 )
Piccadilly Third Stop (1960)
Watch it, Sailor! (1961)
Cairo (1963)
The World Ten Times Over (1963)
Secrets of a Door-to-Door Salesman (1973)
Bedtime with Rosie (1975)
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