Listă de dramaturgi englezi

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Acesta este o listă de dramaturgi englezi după data nașterii:

  • (c. 1460–1502) Henry Medwall
  • (1495–1563) John Bale
  • (c. 1497–c. 1585) John Heywood
  • (1532–1584) Thomas Norton
  • (1535–1577) George Gascoigne
  • (c. 1553–1606) John Lyly
  • (1558–1592) Robert Greene
  • (1558–1594) Thomas Kyd
  • (c. 1560–1634) George Chapman
  • (1563–1631) Michael Drayton
  • (1564–1593) Christopher Marlowe
  • (1564–1616) William Shakespeare
  • (c. 1570–1641) Thomas Heywood
  • (c. 1572–1632) Thomas Dekker
  • (1572–1637) Ben Jonson
  • (1576–1618) George Wilkins
  • (1576–1634) John Marston
  • (1579–1625) John Fletcher
  • (1580–1627) Thomas Middleton
  • (1583–1640) Philip Massinger
  • (c. 1585–1616) Francis Beaumont
  • (c. 1585–after 1639) John Ford
  • (c. 1590–c. 1653) Richard Brome
  • (1606–1668) William Davenant
  • (1631–1700) John Dryden
  • (c. 1635–1691) George Etherege
  • (1640–1689) Aphra Behn
  • (1640–1716) William Wycherley
  • (c. 1640–c. 1703) John Crowne
  • (1652–1685) Thomas Otway
  • (c. 1653–1692) Nathaniel Lee
  • (c. 1667–1723) Susannah Centlivre
  • (1670–1729) William Congreve
  • (1671–1757) Colley Cibber
  • (1672–1719) Joseph Addison
  • (c. 1678–1707) George Farquhar
  • (1685–1732) John Gay
  • (1693–1739) George Lillo
  • (c. 1700–1766) William Rufus Chetwood
  • (1707–1754) Henry Fielding
  • (1717–1779) David Garrick
  • (1720–1777) Samuel Foote
  • (1728–1774) Oliver Goldsmith
  • (1732–1794) George Colman the Elder
  • (1732–1811) Richard Cumberland
  • (1784–1862) James Sheridan Knowles
  • (1788–1824) George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron (Lord Byron)
  • (1792–1847) Richard Brinsley Peake
  • (1803–1857) Douglas William Jerrold
  • (1803–1873) Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • (înainte de 1810–după 1838) Elizabeth Polack
  • (1817–1880) Tom Taylor
  • (1812–1889) Robert Browning
  • (1836–1911) W. S. Gilbert
  • (1843–1916) Henry James
  • (1848–1914) Sydney Grundy
  • (1851–1929) Henry Arthur Jones
  • (1852–1932) Lady Augusta Gregory (Lady Gregory)
  • (1853–1931) Hall Caine
  • (1854–1900) Oscar Wilde
  • (1855–1934) Arthur Wing Pinero
  • (1856–1950) George Bernard Shaw
  • (1859–1927) Jerome K. Jerome
  • (1860–1937) Sir James Matthew Barrie
  • (1865–1948) Alfred Edward Woodley Mason
  • (1865–1959) Laurence Housman
  • (1867–1931) Arnold Bennett
  • (1867–1933) John Galsworthy
  • (1868–1946) Herbert Swears
  • (1869–1909) St. John Emile Clavering Hankin
  • (1877–1946) Harley Granville-Barker
  • (1878–1942) Rudolph Besier
  • (1878–1957) Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany (Lord Dunsany)
  • (1878–1967) John Masefield
  • (1880–1964) Sean O'Casey
  • (1881–1913) William Stanley Houghton
  • (1881–1954) Frederick Lonsdale
  • (1882–1937) John Drinkwater
  • (1882–1956) A. A. Milne
  • (1882–1958) Harold Brighouse
  • (1883–1971) St. John Ervine
  • (1884–1915) James Elroy Flecker
  • (1886–1962) Clifford Bax
  • (1886–1980) Oskar Kokoschka
  • (1888–1965) Clemence Dane
  • (1888–1965) T. S. Eliot
  • (1889–1946) John Colton
  • (1890–1976) Agatha Christie
  • (1893–1951) Ivor Novello
  • (1893–1964) Will Scott
  • (1893–1957) Dorothy L. Sayers
  • (1894–1984) J. B. Priestley
  • (1896–1967) Margaret Kennedy
  • (1896–1975) R. C. Sherriff
  • (1899–1973) Noël Coward
  • (1899–1978) Micheál MacLíammóir
  • (1900–1973) Benn W. Levy
  • (1901–1984) Denis Johnston
  • (1902–1961) Edward Pakenham, 6th Earl of Longford
  • (1904–1986) Christopher Isherwood
  • (1904–1991) Graham Greene
  • (1907–1973) W. H. Auden
  • (1907–2005) Christopher Fry
  • (1910–2001) Joseph O'Conor
  • (1911–1977) Terence Rattigan
  • (1921–1988) Erich Fried
  • (1923–2009) John Mortimer
  • (1924–1995) Robert Bolt
  • (1924–2006) David Campton
  • (1925–1994) Alun Owen
  • (1926–1999) Jim Allen
  • (1926–2001) Anthony Shaffer
  • (născut 1926) Peter Shaffer
  • (născut 1927) Ann Jellicoe
  • (născut 1927) Peter Nichols
  • (născut 1928) Frank Marcus
  • (1929–1994) John Osborne
  • (1929–1998) Henry Livings
  • (1930–2008) Harold Pinter
  • (născut 1930) John Arden
  • (1933–1967) Joe Orton
  • (născut 1933) Michael Frayn
  • (născut 1934) Alan Bennett
  • (născut 1934) Wole Soyinka
  • (născut 1937) Tom Stoppard
  • (născut 1939) Shelagh Delaney
  • (născut 1957) Sue Lenier
  • (1971–1999) Sarah Kane
  • (născut 1974) Leo Butler

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