The Sad Sack
The Sad Sack este un film de comedie american din 1958 regizat de George Marshall. În rourile prinipale joacă actorii Jerry Lewis și Peter Lorre.
- Jerry Lewis: Pvt. Bixby
- Phllis Kirk: Maj. Shelton
- Peter Lorre: Abdoul
- Liliane Monteveccni: Zita
- David Wayne: Corp. Dolan
- Joe Mantell: Pvt. Wenaslavsky
- Gene Evans: Sgt. Pulley
- Shepperd Strudwick: Maj. Vanderlip
- Mary Treen: Hansen
Legături externe
Filme regizate de George Marshall |
Anii 1910 |
- The Committee on Credentials (1916)
- Love's Lariat (1916)
- A Woman's Eyes (1916)
- The Devil's Own (1916)
- The Man from Montana (1917)
- The Midnight Flyer (1918)
- The Adventures of Ruth (1919)
Anii 1920 Anii 1930 |
- Ruth of the Rockies (1920)
- Pack Up Your Troubles (1932)
- Their First Mistake (1932)
- Towed in a Hole (1932)
- She Learned About Sailors (1934)
- 365 Nights in Hollywood (1934)
- Life Begins at Forty (1935)
- Music Is Magic (1935)
- A Message to Garcia (1936)
- The Goldwyn Follies (1938)
- You Can't Cheat an Honest Man (1939)
- Destry Rides Again (1939)
Anii 1940 |
- The Ghost Breakers (1940)
- When the Daltons Rode (1940)
- Pot o' Gold (1941)
- Texas (1941)
- Valley of the Sun (1942)
- The Forest Rangers (1942)
- Star Spangled Rhythm (1942)
- Riding High (1943)
- True to Life (1943)
- And the Angels Sing (1944)
- Murder, He Says (1945)
- Incendiary Blonde (1945)
- Hold That Blonde (1945)
- The Blue Dahlia (1946)
- Monsieur Beaucaire (1946)
- The Perils of Pauline (1947)
- Variety Girl (1947)
- Hazard (1948)
- Tap Roots (1948)
- My Friend Irma (1949)
Anii 1950 |
- Fancy Pants (1950)
- Never a Dull Moment (1950)
- A Millionaire for Christy (1951)
- The Savage (1952)
- Off Limits (1953)
- Scared Stiff (1953)
- Houdini (1953)
- Money from Home (1953)
- Red Garters (1954)
- Duel in the Jungle (1954)
- Destry (1954)
- The Second Greatest Sex (1955)
- Pillars of the Sky (1956)
- Beyond Mombasa (1956)
- The Guns of Fort Petticoat (1957)
- The Sad Sack (1957)
- Valea prafului de pușcă (1958)
- Imitation General (1958)
- The Mating Game (1959)
- It Started with a Kiss (1959)
- The Gazebo (1959)
Anii 1960 |
- Cry for Happy (1961)
- The Happy Thieves (1961)
- Papa's Delicate Condition (1963)
- Dark Purpose (1964)
- Advance to the Rear (1964)
- Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number! (1966)
- Eight on the Lam (1967)
- The Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz (1968)
- Hook, Line & Sinker (1969)