Wikipedia:Formate pentru citare
Formate pentru citări:
sursa | formatul |
utilizare comună | Exemplu 1 textul articolului |
Exemplu 2 textul articolului |
carte | {citat carte} titlu |
{citat carte | last = | first = | authorlink = | title = | publisher = | date = | location = | pages = | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = } {citat carte | last1 = | first1 = | authorlink1 = | last2 = | first2 = | authorlink2 = | last3 = | first3 = | authorlink3 = | title = | publisher = | date = | location = | pages = | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = } |
{citat carte | last = Mumford | first = David | authorlink = David Mumford | title = The Red Book of V… | publisher = [[Springer]] | date = 1999 | pages = 198-203 | doi = 10.1007/b62130 | isbn = 354063293X } Mumford, David (). The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes. Springer-Verlag. pp. 198–203. doi:10.1007/b62130. ISBN 354063293X. |
{citat carte | last1 = Cordell | first1 = Bruce R. | last2 = Grubb | first2 = Jeff | last3 = Noonan | first3 = David | authorlink3 = David Noonan | title = [[Manual of the Planes]] | publisher = [[Wizards of the Coast]] | date = 2001 | pages = pp. 198-203 | month = September | isbn = 0-7869-1850-8 } Cordell, Bruce R.; Grubb, Jeff; Noonan, David (). Manual of the Planes. Wizards of the Coast. pp. pp. 198–203. ISBN 0-7869-1850-8 Verificați valoarea |
{Citare} |
{Citare | last = | first = | authorlink = | last2 = | first2 = | authorlink2 = | title = | place= | publisher = | year = | location = | volume = | edition = | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = } |
{Citare | first = David | last = Mu… | authorlink = David Mumfo… | title = The Red Book of V… | place = Berlin | publisher = Springer-Verl… | year = 1999 | doi = 10.1007/b62130 | isbn = 354063293X } Mumford, David (), The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, doi:10.1007/b62130, ISBN 354063293X |
{Citare | last1 = Cordell | first1 = Bruce R. | last2 = Grubb | first2 = Jeff | authorlink2 = Jeff Grubb | last3 = Noonan | first3 = David | title = [[Manual of the Planes]] | publisher = [[Wizards of the Coast]] | date = September 2001 | year = 2001 | isbn = 0-7869-1850-8 } Cordell, Bruce R.; Grubb, Jeff; Noonan, David (septembrie 2001), Manual of the Planes, Wizards of the Coast, ISBN 0-7869-1850-8 Verificați valoarea | |
revistă | {citat revistă} Titlu |
{citat revistă | last = | first = | authorlink = | title = | journal = | volume = | issue = | pages = | publisher = | location = | date = | url = | doi = | id = | accessdate = } |
{citat revistă | authorlink = Stephen Brey… | title = Copyright: A Rejo… | journal = UCLA Law Review | volume = 20 | pages = 75–83 | date = October 1972} Breyer, Stephen (octombrie 1972). „Copyright: A Rejoinder”. UCLA Law Review. 20: 75–83. |
{citat revistă | last1 = Bailey | first1 = David H. | authorlink1 = David H. Bailey | last2 = Borwein, | first2 = Peter B. | authorlink2 = Peter Borwein | last3 = Borwein, | first3 = Jonathan M. | title = The Quest for Pi | journal = Mathematical Intelligencer | volume = 19 | issue = 1 | pages = 50–57 | publisher = Springer-Verlag | location = Berlin | date = 1999-06-25 | url =…-quest.pdf | format = [[PDF]] | issn = 0343-6993 | accessdate = 2006-06-29 } Bailey, David H.; Borwein,, Peter B.; Borwein,, Jonathan M. (). „The Quest for Pi” (PDF). Mathematical Intelligencer. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 19 (1): 50–57. ISSN 0343-6993. Accesat în . |
{Citare} revistă (sau periodic) |
{Citare | last1 = | first1 = | authorlink1 = | last2 = | first2 = | authorlink2 = | title = | journal = | volume = | issue = | pages = | date = | year = | url = | doi = | id = } |
{Citare | last1 = Breyer | first1 = Stephen | authorlink1 = Stephen Bre… | last2 = Borwein, | first2 = Peter B. | authorlink2 = Peter Borwein | title = Copyright: A Rejo… | journal = UCLA Law Review | volume = 20 | pages = 75–83 | date = October 1972 | year = 1972 } Breyer, Stephen (octombrie 1972), „Copyright: A Rejoinder”, UCLA Law Review, 20: 75–83 |
{Citare | last1 = Bailey | first1 = David H. | authorlink1 = David H. Bailey | last2 = Borwein | first2 = Peter | authorlink2 = Peter Borwein | last3 = Borwein | first3 = Jonathan… | authorlink3 = Jonathan M. Borwein | title = The Quest for Pi | journal = Mathematical Intelligencer | volume = 19 | issue = 1 | pages = 50–57 | publisher = Springer-Verlag | location = Berlin | date = 1999-06-25 | year = 1999 | url =…-quest.pdf | issn = 0343-6993 } Bailey, David H.; Borwein, Peter; Borwein, Jonathan… (), „The Quest for Pi” (PDF), Mathematical Intelligencer, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 19 (1): 50–57, ISSN 0343-6993 | |
conferință raport sau lucrare |
{Citare} |
{Citare | first = | last = | authorlink = | first2 = | last2 = | authorlink2 = | editor-last = | editor-first = | editor2-last = | editor2-first = | contribution = | contribution-url = | title = | year = | pages = | place = | publisher = | url = | doi = | id = } |
{Citare | last1 = Turk | first1 = M. | last2 = Pet… | first2 = A. | contribution = Face recog… | title = Proc IEEE Confere… | publisher = IEEE | pages = 586–591 | year = 1991 } Turk, M.; Petland, A. (), „Face recognition using eigenfaces”, Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE, pp. 586–591 |
{Citare | last1 = Evans | first1 = N. R. | last2 = Schaefer | first2 = G. | last3 = Bond | first3 = H. | last4 = Karovska | first4 = M. | last5 = Nelan | first5 = E. | last6 = Sasselov | first6 = D. | contribution = Direct detection of … | title = American Astronomical… | publisher = AAS | date = 2006-01-09 | year = 2006 | contribution-url = http://…30.htm } Evans, N. R.; Schaefer, G.; Bond, H.; Karovska, M.; Nelan, E.; Sasselov, D. (), „Direct detection of the close companion of Polaris with the Hubble Space Telescope”, American Astronomical Society 207th Meeting, AAS |
enciclopedii | {citat enciclopedie} Titlu enciclopedie |
{citat enciclopedie | title = | encyclopedia = | volume = | pages = | publisher = | date = | id = | accessdate = } |
{citat enciclopedie | title = Kirkegaard, Ole L… | encyclopedia = Grote Wink… | volume = 9 | publisher = [[Winkler P…]] | date = 1882 } „Kirkegaard, Ole Lund”. Grote Winkler Prins. 9. Winkler Prins. . |
{citat enciclopedie | last = Kramer | first = Martin | authorlink = Martin Kramer | title = Bernard Lewis | encyclopedia = Encyclopedia of Hist… | volume = 1 | pages = 719–720 | publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn | location = London | date = 1999 | url =… | accessdate = 2006-05-23 } Kramer, Martin (). „Bernard Lewis”. Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing. 1. London: Fitzroy Dearborn. pp. 719–720. Accesat în . |
{Citare} contribuție=numele articolului |
{Citare | last = | first = | contribution = | year = | title = | editor-last = | editor-first = | volume = | pages = | place= | publisher = | id = } |
{Citare | contribution = Kirkegaard… | title = Grote Winkler Pri… | editor-last = Winkler Pri… | editor-first = Anthony | editor-link = Anthony Win… | volume = 9 | publisher = Elsevier | year = 1882 } Winkler Prins, Anthony, ed. (), „Kirkegaard, Ole Lund”, Grote Winkler Prins, 9, Elsevier |
{Citare | last = Kramer | first = Martin | author-link = Martin Kramer | contribution = Bernard Lewis | editor-last = Boyd | editor-first = Kelley | title = Encyclopedia of Historians … | volume = 1 | pages = 719–720 | publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn | place = London | year = 1999 | contribution-url = http://…is.htm } Kramer, Martin (), „Bernard Lewis”, În Boyd, Kelley, Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, 1, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 719–720 | |
știri | {citat știri} Titlu |
{citat știri | last = | first = | title = | work = | pages = | language = | publisher = | date = | url = | accessdate = } |
{citat știri | last = McGee | first = Maggie | title = Seabed 'scarred' … | pages = 12–27 | publisher = CNN | date = 2005-02-10 | url =… | accessdate = 2006-07-03 } McGee, Maggie (). „Seabed 'scarred' by tsunami quake”. CNN. pp. 12–27. Accesat în . |
{citat știri | last = Andersen | first = David | title = Former Marine, Go Daddy CEO… | publisher = Marine Corps News | date = 2006-02-17 | url =… | accessdate = 2006-06-02 } Andersen, David (). „Former Marine, Go Daddy CEO Talks About His Rise to Success”. Marine Corps News. Accesat în . |
{Citare} newspaper (or magazine, journal, periodical) |
{Citare | last = | first = | author-link = | last2 = | first2 = | author2-link = | title = | newspaper = | pages = | year = | date = | url = } |
{Citare | last=Cowdery | first=Oliver | author-link=Oliver Cowdery | title=Letter VIII | newspaper=[[Latter Day Sa… | volume=2 | issue=1 | pages=195–202 | year=1835 | date=October 1835 | url=http://www.centerp… } Cowdery, Oliver (octombrie 1835), „Letter VIII”, Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate, 2 (1), pp. 195–202 |
{Citare | last1 = Andersen | first1 = David | last2 = Witter | first2 = Lameen | title = Former Marine, Go Daddy CEO… | newspaper = Marine Corps News | date = 2006-02-17 | year = 2006 | url =… } Andersen, David; Witter, Lameen (), „Former Marine, Go Daddy CEO Talks About His Rise to Success”, Marine Corps News | |
pagină web | {citat web} titlu url |
{citat web | last = | first = | authorlink = | title = | work = | publisher = | date = | url = | format = | doi = | accessdate = } |
{citat web | last = Spiegel | first = Rachel | title = Research: Thalido… | url=http://science-educat… | accessdate = 2006-04-30 } Spiegel, Rachel. „Research in the News: Thalidomide”. Accesat în . |
{citat web | last = Hansen | first = James E. | authorlink = James Hansen | title = GISS Surface Temperature An… | work = | publisher = [[Goddard Institute for… | date = 2005-12-15 | url =… | format = | doi = | accessdate = 2006-09-28 } Hansen, James E. (). „GISS Surface Temperature Analysis Global Temperature Trends: 2005 Summation”. NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Accesat în . |
{Citation} title url |
{Citare | last = | first = | author-link = | last2 = | first2 = | author2-link = | title = | date = | year = | url = | accessdate = } |
{Citare | last = Spiegel | first = Rachel | title = Research: Thalido… | url=http://science-educat… | accessdate = 2006-04-30} Spiegel, Rachel, Research in the News: Thalidomide, accesat în |
{Citare | last1 = Hansen | first1 = James E. | author1-link = James Hansen | last2 = Ruedy | first2 = R. | last3 = Sato | first3 = M. | last4 = Lo | first4 = K. | title = GISS Surface Temperature An… | date = 2005-12-15 | year = 2005 | url =… | accessdate = 2006-09-28 } Hansen, James E.; Ruedy, R.; Sato, M.; Lo, K. (), GISS Surface Temperature Analysis Global Temperature Trends: 2005 Summation, accesat în | |
video | {citat video} oameni titlu |
{citat video | people = | title = | medium = | publisher = | location = | date = } |
{citat video | people = Al-Issawi, Omar … | title = […] | medium = TV-Series | publisher = Al-Issawi, Om… | location = Lebanon | date = 2001 } Al-Issawi, Omar (Director) (2001). Harab libnan. Lebanon: Al-Issawi, Omar. |
{citat video | people = Dick Cavett | title = The Dick Cavett Show — Rock… | medium = DVD | publisher = Shout Factory | date = 2005 } Dick Cavett (2005). The Dick Cavett Show — Rock Icons (1969). Shout Factory. |
episod de la radio sau televiziune |
{citat episod} titlu |
{citat episod | title = | episodelink = | series = | serieslink = | airdate = | season = | number = } |
{citat episod | title = Tabula Rasa | episodelink = Tabula Rasa … | series = Lost | serieslink = Lost (TV Seri… | airdate = 2004-10-06 | season = 1 | number = 3 } „Tabula Rasa”. Lost. Sezonul 1. Episodul 3. . |
{citat episod | title = Duet | episodelink = Duet (Stargate Atlant… | series = Stargate Atlantis | serieslink = Stargate Atlantis | airdate = 2005-08-05 | season = 2 | number = 4 } „Duet”. Stargate Atlantis. Sezonul 2. Episodul 4. . |