Everly Brothers
Don (natu Isaac Donald Everly 1 di frivaru 1937 a Brownie, abbicinu Central City, Kentucky) e Phil Everly (natu Philip Everly 19 di jinnaru, 1939 a Chicago, Illinois) eranu cantanti di rock and roll cu nu sonu chiutostu di country and western chi àppiru lu sò cchiù granni successu ntê 1950ini.
- The Real Everly Brothers (1958)
- The Everly Brothers (1958)
- Songs Our Daddy Taught Us (1959)
- It's Everly Time (1960)
- Rockin' With (Mini EP) (1960)
- The Fabulous Style of The Everly Brothers (1960)
- A Date with The Everly Brothers (1961)
- Both Sides of an Evening (1961)
- Souvenir Sampler (1961)
- Christmas with The Everly Brothers (1962)
- Instant Party (1962)
- Folk Songs of The Everly Brothers (1962)
- Rock'n Soul (1965)
- Gone, Gone, Gone (1965)
- Beat & Soul (1965)
- In Our Image (1966)
- Two Yanks in England (1966)
- The Hit Sound of The Everly Brothers (1967)
- The Everly Brothers Sing (1967)
- Roots (1968)
- Wake up Little Susie (Harmony) (1969)
- Chained to a Memory (1970)
- Everly Brothers Show (1970)
- Stories We Could Tell (1972)
- Don't Worry Baby (1973)
- Pass the Chicken and Listen (1973)
- Everlys (1975)
- New Album (1977)
- The Everly Brothers (Profile) (1981)
- EB 84 (1984)
- Home Again (1985)
- All They Had to Do Was Dream (1985)
- Born Yesterday (1986)
- The Everly Brothers (Bella Musica) (1988)
- Some Hearts (1989)
- Heartaches and Harmonies (1994)
- Too Good to Be True (2005)
- Give Me A Future (2005)