
A lass drawn wi tradeetional anime featurs.

Anime (Japanese: アニメ, [anime] ( listen); Inglis Listeni/ˈænm/) are Japanese ainimatit productions uisuallì featurin haund-drawn or computer ainimation.

Ootside o Japan an en Inglis, anime refers speceeficlì tae ainimation producit en Japan.[1] Naither, en Japan an en Japanese, anime (a term derivit fra a shortenin o tha Inglis wird animation) descrives aw ainimatit wirks, regairdless o style or springheid. Ainimation producit ootside o Japan wi seemilar style tae Japanese ainimation is fir common referrit tae as anime-influencit ainimation.

A frame fae Namakura Gatana (1917), the auldest survivin Japanese animatit short film made fir cinemas

Preview of references

  1. Ashcraft, Brian (18 Mey 2021). "What "Anime" Means". Kotaku (in Inglis). Retrieved 2 Mairch 2022.