Banner o Costa Rica

The banner o Costa Rica wis offeecially adoptit on November 27, 1906. Housomeivver, the blue, white an reid horizontal design wis creatit an uised syne 1848 when Costa Rica left the Federal Republic o Central Americae an declared itsel a Sovereign Republic. Pacífica Fernández, wife o the preses, José María Castro Madriz creatit it inspired on the colors o the French Banner. The state banner an ensign includes the coat o airms o Costa Rica, while the ceevil ensign (thare is nae ceevil banner) omits the coat o airms.

The blue colour staunds for the sky, opportunities, idealism an perseverance. The white colour staunds for peace, wiceheid an happiness. The reid colour staunds for the bluid spilt bi martyrs in defence o the kintra, as well as the warmth an generosity o the fowk. The stripes are in the ratio 1:1:2:1:1.

The banner o Costa Rica is seemilar tae the Banner o Thailand, which wis adoptit 11 years later.[1] It an aa resembles the Banner o North Korea which wis adoptit amaist 42 years later in 1948.[2]

Red, white, an blue recaw the colors o the French tricolor. Blue an white wur the colors o the oreeginal banner o the Unitit Provinces o Central Americae.

The Central American banner remained in uise in Costa Rica till 1848 when, in response tae events in Fraunce, it wis decidit tae incorporate the French colors intae the naitional banner. This wis done bi addin a central reid stripe. The coat o airms wis an aa revised an placed in the centre o the banner. In 1906, it wis placed in a white disk on the reid stripe, an later on an oval, set toward the hoist.

The coat o airms depicts the isthmus atween the Paceefic ocean an the Caribbean Sea, wi 3 volcanoes. The 7 starns staund for the 7 provinces o Costa Rica. The Spainyie name o the kintra is scrolled on a white banner, Republica de Costa Rica (Republic o Costa Rica), an the Central American union is recognised in the blue upper scroll, Americae Central, recawin the umwhile Unitit Provinces o Central Americae.

Historical banners


Freemit airtins