Cochabamba Depairtment

Depairtment o Cochabamba

Quchapampa suyu
Banner o Depairtment o Cochabamba
"Ceety o Eternal Spring"
Location athin Bolivie
Location athin Bolivie
Kintra Bolivie
Established as depairtment bi law1826
Autonomous depairtment bi referendum2009
 • GovrenorEdmundo Novillo Aguilar
 • City55631 km2 (21,479 sq mi)
2574 m (8,445 ft)
 • City1,750,000
 • Urban
Time zoneUTC-4 (BOT)
HDI (2004)-
ISO 3166-2BO-C

Cochabamba (frae Quechua: qucha or qhucha, meanin "lake", pampa meanin "plain" [1]) is ane o the nine component depairtments o Bolivie. It is kent tae be the "granary" o the kintra acause o its variety o agricultural products due tae Cochabamba's geographical poseetion. It haes an aurie o 55,631 km². Its population, in the 2007 census, wis 1,750,000. Its caipital is the ceety o Cochabamba. Cochabamba is kent as the "Ceety o Eternal Spring" an "The Garden Ceety" due tae its spring-lik temperatures year roond.


The Cochabamba valley wis inhabitit for ower a thoosan years due tae its fertile productive soils an climate. Archaeological evidence suggests that the initial valley indwallers wur o various ethnic indigenous groups. Inca, Tupuraya, Mojocoya, Omereque, an Tiwanaku inhabitit the valley at various times afore the Spainyie arrivit.

The first Spainyie inhabitant o the Valley wis Garci Ruiz de Orellana in 1542. He purchased the majority o the land frae local tribal chiefs Achata an Consavana throu a title registered in 1552 at the Imperial Ceety o Potosí. The price peyed wis 130 pesos. His residence, kent as the Hoose o Mayorazgo, still staunds in the Cala Cala neebourheid o the ceety.

The ceety, cried Villa de Oropesa wis foondit on 2 August 1571 bi order o Viceroy Francisco de Toledo, Coont o Oropesa. It wis tae be an agricultural production centre tae provide fuid for the minin touns o the relatively nearby Altiplano region, parteecularly the ceety o Potosí which became ane o the lairgest an richest ceeties in the warld durin the 17t century - fundin the vast walth that ultimately made Spain a warld pouer at the time. Wi the siller minin industry in Potosi at its hicht, Cochabamba thrivit durin its first centuries o existence. The ceety entered a period o decline durin the 18t century as minin began tae wane.

In 1786, Keeng Charles III o Spain renamit the ceety tae the 'lyal an valiant' Villa o Cochabamba. This wis done tae commend the ceety's pivotal role in suppressin the indigenous rebellions o 1781 in Oruro bi sendin airmit forces tae Oruro tae quell the uprisins. Syne the late 19t century it haes again been generally successfu as an agricultural centre for Bolivie.

The 1793 census shows that the ceety haed a population o 22,305 persons. Thare wur 12,980 mestizos, 6,368 Spaniards, 1,182 indigenous natives, 1,600 mulattos an 175 African slaves.

In 2000, Cochabamba wis wrackit wi lairge-scale protests ower the privatisation o the ceety's watter supply. See Cochabamba protests o 2000.

In Januar 2007 ceety dwallers clashed wi maistly rural protestors, leavin fower deid an ower 130 injured. The democratically-electit Prefect o Cochabamba, Manfred Reyes Villa, a umwhile militar aide tae the Luis García Meza Tejada dictatorship o the 1980s, haed alleed hissel wi the leaders o Bolivie's Eastren Depairtments in a dispute wi Preses Evo Morales ower regional autonomy an ither poleetical issues. The protestors blockadit the heich-gates, brigs, an main roads, haein days earlier set fire tae the depairtmental seat o govrenment, tryin tae force the resignation o Reyes Villa. Citizens attackit the protestors, breakin the blockade an routin them, while the polis did little tae stap the violence. Faur attempts bi the protestors tae reinstate the blockade an threaten the govrenment wur unsuccessful, but the unnerlyin tensions hae no been resolvit.

In Julie 2007, a monument erectit bi veterans o Januar's protest muivement in honour o thae killed an injured bi govrenment supporters wis destroyed in the middle o the nicht, reignitin racial conflicts in the ceety.

In August 2008, a naitionwide referendum wis held, an while the preses Evo Morales haed 67% support in Bolivie, the prefect o Cochabamba, Manfred Reyes Villa, wis no confirmit bi the voters o the depairtment.


Cochabamba Depairtment is bordered bi Chuquisaca an Potosi Depairtment tae the sooth, Oruro an La Paz Depairtment tae the wast, Beni Depairtment tae the north, an Santa Cruz Depairtment tae the east. The borders are formit mainly bi rivers, lik Ichilo tae the east, Rio Grande tae the sooth an Cotacajes tae the wast.[2]


The chief executive office o Bolivie depairtments (syne Mey 2010) is the govrenor; till then, the office wis cried the prefect, an till 2006 the prefect wis appointit bi the Preses o Bolivie. The current govrenor, Edmundo Novillo Aguilar o the Muivement for Socialism – Poleetical Instrument for the Sovereignty o the Fowks wis electit on 4 Aprile 2010 an teuk office 30 May.

Unner the 2009 Constitution, Bolivie depairtments hae an electit legislatur, the Depairtmental Legislative Assembly. The Cochabamba Assembly haes 34 members includin twa indigenous representatives.

Past executives

Date Began Date Endit Prefect/Govrenor Pairty Notes
23 Jan 2006 12 Aug 2008 Manfred Reyes Villa New Republican Force First electit prefect. Electit in Bolivie general election, December 2005, an remuivit bi the 2008 recaw election.
12 Aug 2008 26 Aug 2008 Johnny Gutierrez Ferrel (actin, de facto)
29 Aug 2008 12 Dec 2008 Rafael Puente Calvo (actin) MAS-IPSP
12 Dec 2008 30 Mey 2010 Jorge Ledezma Cornejo (interim) MAS-IPSP Feenal prefect
30 Mey 2010 Edmundo Novillo Aguilar MAS-IPSP Electit in regional election on 4 Aprile; first govrenor


The Depairtment o Cochabamba is dividit intae 16 provinces (provincias) which are faur subdividit intae 47 municipalities [3] (municipios) an - on the fowert level - intae 144 cantons.

The provinces wi thair caipitals are:

Province Caipital km² Population
Arani Arani 506 24.372
Arque Arque 1.077 26.283
Ayopaya Ayopaya 9.620 63.997
Bolívar Bolívar 413 9.470
Capinota Capinota 1.495 26.053
Carrasco Totora 15.045 140.481
Cercado Cochabamba 391 564.882
Chapare Sacaba 12.445 227.404
Esteban Arce Tarata 1.245 32.986
Germán Jordán Cliza 305 33.876
Mizque Mizque 2.730 40.702
Narciso Campero Aiquile 5.550 40.532
Punata Punata 850 47.653
Quillacollo Quillacollo 720 303.903
Tapacarí Tapacarí 1.500 29.712
Tiraque Tiraque 1.739 36.738


The leids spoken in the Cochabamba Depairtment are mainly Spaingie an Quechua. The follaein table shows the nummer o thae belangin tae the recognisit group o speakers.[4]

Leid Depairtment Bolivie
Quechua 872,010 2,281,198
Aymara 84,921 1,525,321
Guaraní 1,379 62,575
Anither native 3,351 49,432
Spaingie 1,101,822 6,821,626
Foreign 40,579 250,754
Anerlie native 269,588 960,491
Native an Spaingie 648,195 2,739,407
Spaingie an foreign 454,273 4,115,751

Population an Demographics

Description Depairtment Bolivie
Inhabitants 1.455.711 8.274.325
Rural 41 % -
Urban 59 % -
Total fertility rate 4.00 4.40
Infant mortality 72.00 66.00
Net migration rate 2.40 -

Places o interest

  • Carrasco Naitional Pairk
  • Tunari Naitional Pairk
  • Isiboro Sécure Naitional Pairk an Indigenous Territory
  • Inkallajta
  • Inkachaka
  • Inkaraqay
  • Quillacollo
  • Villa Tunari
  • Laguna La Angostura
  • Pairumani: The Pairumani estate aboot 20 km frae the ceety o Cochabamba comprises Villa Albina, a landit estate which wis property o the Bolivie industrialist Simón I. Patiño, biggit atween 1925 an 1932, a model ferm an seed centre an a Centre for Phytoecogenetic Research.[5] The palace o Pairumani wis declared Bolivie Naitional Monument in 1967.


  1. Diccionario Bilingüe Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha pdf
  2. "Andes Travel Map". Archived frae the original on 24 September 2010. Retrieved 28 Juin 2012.
  3. (Inglis)
  4. Archived 2009-02-18 at the Wayback Machine (Spanish)
  5. "Pairumani". Archived frae the original on 9 Julie 2012. Retrieved 28 Juin 2012.

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