Coonties o Estonie

A coonty (Estonie: maakond) is an admeenistrative subdiveesion o Estonie. Estonie is dealt intae 15 coonties. The govrenment (Estonie: maavalitsus) o ilka coonty is led bi a coonty govrenor (Estonie: maavanem), wha represents the naitional govrenment at the regional level. Govrenors is appointit bi the govrenment for a term o five year.

Ilka coonty is further dealt intae municipalities that is o twa teeps: urban municipality, or toun (linn), an landwart municipality, or pairish (vald).

Leet o coonties

Population figurs represent 31 Dizember 2011.[1]

Counties Caipital Aurie Population Population densitie
Harjumaa Tallinn 4,333 km² 552,643 127.5 hab/km²
Hiiumaa Kärdla 989 km² 8,470 8.6 hab/km²
Ida-Virumaa Jõhvi 3,364 km² 149,244 44.4 hab/km²
Jõgevamaa Jõgeva 2,604 km² 31,398 12.1 hab/km²
Järvamaa Paide 2,623 km² 30,553 11.6 hab/km²
Läänemaa Haapsalu 2,383 km² 24,184 10.1 hab/km²
Lääne-Virumaa Rakvere 3,627 km² 59,861 16.5 hab/km²
Põlvamaa Põlva 2,165 km² 27,452 12.7 hab/km²
Pärnumaa Pärnu 4,807 km² 82,584 17.2 hab/km²
Raplamaa Rapla 2,980 km² 34,905 11.7 hab/km²
Saaremaa Kuressaare 2,673 km² 31,344 11.7 hab/km²
Tartumaa Tartu 2,993 km² 150,287 50.2 hab/km²
Valgamaa Valga 2,044 km² 30,158 14.8 hab/km²
Viljandimaa Viljandi 3,422 km² 47,594 13.9 hab/km²
Võrumaa Võru 2,305 km² 33,439 14.5 hab/km²


  1. "Population by sex, ethnic nationality and county, 1 January". Statistics Estonia. 31 December 2011. Retrieved 18 October 2009.

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