Darkhan (ceety)

Darkhan (Mongolie: Дархан, blacksmith) is the third-lairgest ceety in Mongolie an the caipital o Darkhan-Uul Aimag (Darkhan-Uul Province). It haes a population o 74,300 (as o 2007[1]).


Buddha Statue complex

Grund wis broken on October 17, 1961, an the ceety wis biggit wi extensive economic assistance frae the Soviet Union. As its name implies, the ceety wis oreeginally conceived tae be a manufacturin site for Mongolie's northren territory. The ceety remains a maistly industrial region an is the hame o some 82% o the aimag's population. As wi maist urban Mongols, some 86% o the ceety's population live in residential apairtments, wi the remainin population livin in yurts (gers) on the ootskirts o the ceety. The ceety is close tae Roushie an retains a fairly lairge percentage o native Roushies.


Monument tae Morinkhuur instrument

The Kharagiin monastery is hoosed in a pretty log cabin in the auld toun; it haes recently acome active again as a Buddhist monastery.

In addition, the ceety hosts the Museum o Darkhan-Uul. This museum, an aa cawed the Traditional Museum o Folk Airt, contains a collection o archaeological findins, traditional clothin, releegious airtifacts, an taxidermy.

Partner ceeties

Template:Districts o Darkhan-Uul


Coordinates: 49°29′12″N 105°55′22″E / 49.4867°N 105.9228°E / 49.4867; 105.9228