Declaration o the Richts o Man an o the Ceetizen

The Declaration o the Richts o Man an o the Ceetizen o 1789 is a fundamental document o the French Revolution an in the history o human richts.

The Declaration o the richts o Man an o the Ceetizen (French: Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen), passed bi Fraunce's Naitional Constituent Assembly in August 1789, is a fundamental document o the French Revolution an in the history o human an ceevil richts.[1] The Declaration wis directly influenced bi Thomas Jefferson, wirkin wi General Lafayette, wha introduced it.[2]


  1. The French teetle is sometimes translatit as "Declaration o Human an Ceevic Richts".
  2. Gregory Fremont-Barnes (2007). Encyclopedia of the Age of Political Revolutions and New Ideologies, 1760-1815. Greenwood. p. 190.

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