Francis Drake

Vice Admiral Sir Francis Drake (c. 1540 – 28 Januar, 1596) wis an Inglis privateer, navigator, naval pioneer, pirate, politeecian, an ceevil ingineer o the Elizabethan period. He wis the first Inglisman (an the first chiel on oniething ither than a Spaingie ship) ti gang aw the wey aboot the globe, atween 1577 an 1580. He wis knichtit on his return bi Queen Elizabeth I o Ingland. He wis seicont-in-command o the Inglis fleet that defeatit the Spaingie Armada in 1588.


  • "The Safeguard of the Sea; A Naval History of Britain 660-1649", bi N.A.M. Rodger, (Lunnon, 1997).
  • "The defeat of the Spanish Armada", Garett Mattingly, (1959), Pulitzer Prize winner in 1960 – a grand accoont o the defeat o the Spainyie Armada.
  • "The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, 1577-1580", bi R. Samuel Bawlf, (Douglas & McIntyre, 2003)

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