Freshwatter fish
Freshwatter fish
The names o fish waled for teetles is mair tae sinder ae fish frae anither nor tae threap that is the richt ane. For ordinar a weel-kent or leeterar name. There micht weel be guid grunds for chyngin the name waled for the teetle.
The list is sortit alphabetic by Laitin name.
- Abramis brama Bream
- Alburnus alburnus Bleis
- Anguilla anguilla Eel
- Anguilla latirostris Culloch
- Barbus barbus
- Blicca bjoerkna Siller bream
- Carassius auratus Gowdfish
- Carassius carassius Crucian cairp
- Cobitis taenia Pikit lotch
- Coregonus albula Vendace
- Coregonus autumnalis Powan Ither names: Pollock
- Coregonus lavaretus Powan Ither names: Pollock
- Coregonus oxyrinchus
- Ctenopharygodon idella Gress cairp
- Cyprinus carpio Cairp
- Esox lucius Ged
- Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus Banstickle Ither names: Beardie, Sprickly-back, Reid-gabbie
- Gobio gobio Gudgeon
- Gymnocephalus cernua Ruffe
- Leuciscus cephalus Skelly
- Leuciscus idus Orfe
- Leuciscus leuciscus Dace
- Nemacheilus barbatulus Lotch Ither names: Lotchie, Miller’s thoum, Katie beardy, Gippie
- Oncorhynchus mykiss Marlt saumon
- Perca fluviatilis Perch
- Phoxinus phoxinus Minnin Ither names: Guttie, Reid sodger
- Pungitius pungitius
- Rhodeus sericeus Bitterlin
- Rutilus rutilus Braise
- Salmo salar Saumon
- Salmo trutta Troot
- Salvelinus alpinus Gellytroch Ither names: reid wame
- Scardinius erythrophthalmus Rudd
- Thymallus thymallus Graylin
- Tinca tinca Tench