Geislingen an der Steige
Geislingen an der Steige is a toun in the destrict o Göppingen in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany.
Although the aurie haed settlements syne the Bronze Age, Geislingen wis foondit bi the coonts o Helfenstein as a transit collection station on the important commercial route atween the Rhine valley an the Mediterranean. The fortifee'd Helfenstein castle existit syne 1100. Giselingen wis first mentioned as civitas in a document datit 1237. Frae 1396 through 1802, Geislingen wis awned bi the free an imperial ceety o Ulm on the Danube. In 1803 Ulm an Geislingen became pairt o Bavarie, but in a land exchynge wur incorporatit intae the Kinrick o Württemberg in 1810.
Industrialization stairtit wi the arrival o the railwey an the construction o the railwey “Steige” (1847-1850), a steep incline o rail an road tae the plateau o the Schwäbische Alb (Swabian Jura). The leadin industrial enterprise is the Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik (WMF) foondit in 1852, a warld renouned manufacturer o guids for kitchen an table.
Main sichts
- Ostlandkreuz
- Ruine Helfenstein
Geislingen is twin touns o: