Greater Dublin Aurie

Nummered cairt o the Greater Dublin Aurie
  1. Dublin ceety
  2. Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown
  3. Sooth Dublin
  4. Fingal
  5. Meath
  6. Kildare
  7. Wicklow

The Greater Dublin Aurie (GDA) (Erse: Mórcheantar Bhaile Átha Cliath), or simply Greater Dublin, is the ceety o Dublin an various coonties in the hinterland o the ceety in Ireland. The term itsel haes nae basis in law an nae local govrenment, depairtment o govrenment or agency o the state is boond bi the it. Popularly understood, the Greater Dublin Aurie includes the Dublin Region that is made up o the ceety o Dublin (that pairt o the caipital ceety athin the jurisdiction o Dublin City Council) plus three neebourin coonties; Sooth Dublin, Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown an Fingal. It mey include the Mid-East Region, which abuts the Dublin Region. In this case it wad include the local govrenment auries o Coonty Meath, Coonty Kildare, an County Wicklow. While thir regions are pairt of "NUTS" seestem o the European Union, thare is no Eurostat recognition o the combined regions.

Umwhile boondaries

The urban pairt o Dublin an surroondin auries haes been defined bi various statutory instruments, mainly those referrin tae the Garda Síochána an Courts o the Republic o Ireland. Housomeivver, syne 2009, the Garda Diveesion o the Dublin Metropolitan Aurie no langer owerlaps, if it iver did, wi the Greater Dublin Aurie; it is insteid co-extensive wi the Dublin Region. The ceety an five coonties wur mentioned in the order creatin the Dublin Transportation Office, givin functions an representations tae the office in the Greater Dublin Aurie, awtho no uisin the term. The office wis purely advisory an haed nae executive pouers. The term wis defined in section 3 o the Dublin Transportation Authority Bill, 2008 an aw. This bill wis niver enactit. On 1 December 2009 the DTO wis dissolvit sae this term, if it iver haed legal significance, ceased tae hae relevance as far as the DTO is concerned.[1]


The population o the Greater Dublin Aurie (uisin the seicont definition o Dublin Ceety, Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown, Fingal, Sooth Dublin, Kildare, Meath an Wicklow) as o Census 2011 wis 1,801,040 fowk.[2] This equates tae 39.3% of Ireland's population. Estimates published bi the Central Statistics Office suggest that the population will reach 2.1 million bi 2021, an 2.4 million bi 2026.[3] The figurs are based on a regional breakdoun o previously published naitional population projections an assume that current demographic trends will continue.

The CSO uises the first definition which comprises Dublin Ceety (as legally defined) thegither wi its suburbs in the three adjacent coonties o Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown, Fingal, an Sooth Dublin an aw. [4] The boondaries for suburbs are no legally defined, but drawn an revisit bi the CSO in accordance wi Unitit Naitions recommendations.[5] The population o the Dublin urban aurie in 2006 wis as follaes: [6]

Tot 1,045,769
Ceety 506,211
– in Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown 188,761
– in Fingal 114,623
– in Sooth Dublin 236,174

This is kent as the Dublin Urban Aurie an aw.


Census Year Population[7] Proportion†
1841 683,232 10.5%
1851 740,597 14.5%
1861 698,050 15.9%
1871 663,131 16.4%
1881 652,569 16.9%
1891 628,539 18.1%
1901 640,093 19.9%
1911 669,625 21.3%
1926 685,242 23.1%
1936 774,791 26.1%
1946 827,725 28.0%
1961 906,347 32.2%
1971 1,062,220 35.7%
1981 1,290,154 37.5%
1986 1,336,119 37.8%
1991 1,350,595 38.3%
1996 1,405,671 38.8%
2002 1,535,446 39.2%
2006 1,662,536 39.2%
2011 1,801,040 39.3%

† "Proportion" here means the proportion o fowk livin in the GDA when compared wi the nummer livin in the territory that is the present-day Republic o Ireland.

See an aw


  1. Retrieved from Dublin Transportation Office.
  2. Population of each Province, County and City, 2006
  3. "CSO Ireland - Regional Population Projections 2011-2026" (PDF). Archived frae the original (PDF) on 28 October 2008. Retrieved 13 December 2012.
  4. Central Statistics Office (26 Apryle 2007). Census 2006 Volume 1 - Population Classified by Area: Appendices (PDF). Central Statistics Office. Appendix 2, p.164: Dublin Area. Retrieved 15 September 2007. The description Greater Dublin Area in the 2006 Census denotes Dublin City and its suburbs
  5. Central Statistics Office (26 Apryle 2007). Census 2006 Volume 1 - Population Classified by Area: Appendices. Appendix 2, p.163: Towns (i) Towns with Legally Defined Boundaries. where urban areas have extended beyond the legally defined town boundary, the Central Statistics Office draws up new boundaries defining the suburban areas of Cities/Boroughs ... for census purposes ... in conformity with United Nations recommendations, as the continuation of a distinct population cluster outside its legally defined boundary in which no occupied dwelling is more than 200 metres distant from the nearest occupied dwelling ... The suburban boundaries were reviewed for each subsequent census. A comprehensive review was carried out as part of the processing phase of the 2006 Census. |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  6. Central Statistics Office (26 Apryle 2007). Census 2006 Volume 1 - Population Classified by Area: Tables 7 and 12 (PDF). Table 12, p.139: Alphabetical list of Towns with their population, 2002 and 2006. Retrieved 15 September 2007.
  7. Central Statistics Office - Census of Population Database

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