
Background information
OreiginHelsinki, Finland
GenresThrash metal
Symphonic metal
Neo-classical metal
Progressive metal
Years active1992–present
LabelsSpinefarm Records
Universal Records
Associate actsApocalyptica
MembersJuha Immonen
Leif Hedström
Aino Piipari
Max Lilja
Janne Jaakkola
Alpo Oksaharju

Hevein is a Finnish thrash metal baund frae Helsinki wi symphonic metal/Neo-classical metal influences.


Hevein wis foondit in 1992 bi guitarist Leif Hedström an drummer Alpo Oksaharju. In 1998, bassist Tomi Koivunen an violinist Aino Piipari joined the baund. In 2002, Max Lilja left Apocalyptica an joined Hevein. The baund coud no fynd a permanent vocalist till 2003, when Juha Immonen joined the baund.

The Name

Accordin tae Leif Hedström’s answer in the Hevein forum tae the question:

"Does Hevein mean something?"

The guitarist ance heard a Husker Du sang, covered bi Blackstar, titled ”The Girl Who Lives On Heaven Hill”. Hereupon, the wirds “Heaven Hill” wur chynged intae “Heven Hill” an wur altered again till the final baund name “Hevein” wis born. Hevein is an aa a Finnish wird play for "the hivy-est" (in reference tae hivy metal).


Current members

  • Juha Immonen - Vocals
  • Leif Hedström - Guitar, Clean vocals
  • Janne Jaakkola - Bass
  • Toni Paananen - drums
  • Aino Piipari - Violin
  • Max Lilja - Cello

Umwhile members

  • Tomi Koivunen - bass
  • Dimitri Paile - vocals
  • Alpo Oksanharju - Drums
  • Otto Uotila - Drums

Main influences


Studio albums

  • Sound Over Matter (2005)

Singles an EPs

  • Fear Is... Only Human (2003)
  • Break Out The Hammers EP (2004)
  • iOta (2005)
  • As Far As The Eye Can See (2005)
  • Gentle Anarchy (2010)


  • Heartland (1999)
  • Reverence (2001)
  • Only Human (2002)
  • Fear Is... (2003)

Covered sangs

  • Pantera’s "Walk"
  • Anathema's "Empty", which they played a few times live
  • Pantera’s "Use My Third Arm", played live on Metal Barbecue

Muisic videos

  • "Last Drop Of Innocence" (2005)
  • "New Hope" (2010)
  • "Nor" (2011)

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