Inner Mongolie

Inner Mongolie Autonomous Region
Nei Mongol Autonomous Region

Autonomous region
Name transcription(s)
 • Cheenese内蒙古自治区 (Nèi Měnggǔ Zìzhìqū)
 • Abbreviation内蒙 or 内蒙古[1] (pinyin: Nèi Měng or Nèi Měnggǔ)
Mongolie transcription(s)
 • ᠥᠪᠦᠷ ᠮᠣᠩᠭ᠋ᠤᠯ ᠤᠨ ᠥᠪᠡᠷᠲᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠵᠠᠰᠠᠬᠤ ᠣᠷᠤᠨ,Öbür mongγol-un öbertegen zasaqu orun[2]
Map shawin the location o Inner Mongolie Autonomous Region Nei Mongol Autonomous Region
Map shawin the location o Inner Mongolie Autonomous Region
Nei Mongol Autonomous Region
Named forFrae the Mongolie öbür monggol, whaur öbür means the front, sunny side o natural barrier (a muntain, muntain range, lake or desert etc..).
Lairgest ceetyBaotou
Divisions12 prefecturs, 101 coonties, 1425 tounships
 • SecretarHu Chunhua
 • GovrenorBagatur
 • Total1183000 km2 (457,000 sq mi)
Area rank3rd
 • Total24,706,321[3]
 • Rank23rd
 • Density rank28t
 • Ethnic composeetionHan - 79%
Mongols - 17%
Manchu - 2%
Hui - 0.9%
Daur - 0.3%
ISO 3166 codeCN-15
GDP (2011)CNY 1.40 trillion
US$ 218.75 billion (15t)
 • per capitaCNY 56,666
US$ 8,854 (6t)
HDI (2008)0.803 (high) (13t)
(Simplifeed Cheenese)

Inner Mongolie (Mongolie: s , Öbür Monggol an c Өвөр Монгол, Övör Mongol; Cheenese: 内蒙古; pinyin: Nèi Měnggǔ, but offeecially romanizit tae Nei Mongol) is an autonomous region o the Fowkrepublic o Cheenae, located in the northren region o the kintra. Inner Mongolie shares an internaitional border wi the kintras o Mongolie an the Roushie Federation. Its caipital is Hohhot an the lairgest ceety is Baotou.

Inner Mongolie Autonomous Region wis established in 1947 on the aurie o umwhile Republic o Cheenae provinces o Suiyuan, Chahar, Rehe, Liaopeh an Hsingan. It is the third-lairgest subdiveesion o Cheenae spannin aboot 1,200,000 km² (463,000 sq mi) or 12% o Cheenae's total land aurie. It haes a population o aboot 24 million as o 2004. The majority o the population in the region are Han Cheenese, wi a substantial Mongol minority. The offeecial leids are Cheenese an Mongolie, the latter written in the Mongolie script, as opposed tae the Mongolie Cyrillic alphabet uised in the state o Mongolie.


In Cheenese, the region is kent as "Inner Mongolie", whaur the terms o "Inner/Ooter" are derivit frae Manchu dorgi/tulergi (cf. Mongolie dotugadu/gadagadu). Inner Mongolie is destinct frae Ooter Mongolie, which wis a term uised bi the Republic o Cheenae an previous govrenments tae refer tae wha is nou the independent state o Mongolie plus the Republic o Tuva in Roushie. In Mongolie, the region wis cried Dotugadu monggol durin Qing rule an wis renamit intae Öbür Monggol in 1947, öbür meanin the soothren side o a muntain, while the Chinese term nei menggu wis retained. Some Mongols uise the name "Soothren Mongolie" in Scots as well.[4]

Admeenistrative diveesions

Inner Mongolie is dividit intae 12 prefectur-level diveesions.

Map # Conventional[5] Admeenistrative Seat Hanzi
Hanyu Pinyin
(Transcription frae Mongolie)
Population (2010)
— Prefectur-level ceety —
2 Bayannur Linhe Destrict 巴彦淖尔市
Bāyànnào'ěr Shì
(bayannaɣur qota)
3 Wuhai Haibowan Destrict 乌海市
Wūhǎi Shì
(üqai qota)
4 Ordos Dongsheng Destrict 鄂尔多斯市
È'ěrduōsī Shì
(ordus qota)
5 Baotou Kundulun Destrict 包头市
Bāotóu Shì
(buɣat qota)
6 Hohhot Huimin Destrict 呼和浩特市
Hūhéhàotè Shì
7 Ulanqab Jining Destrict 乌兰察布市
Wūlánchábù Shì
(ulaɣančab qota)
9 Chifeng Hongshan Destrict 赤峰市
Chìfēng Shì
(ulaɣanqad qota)
10 Tongliao Horqin Destrict 通辽市
Tōngliáo Shì
(töngliyao qota)
12 Hulunbuir Hailar Destrict 呼伦贝尔市
Hūlúnbèi'ěr Shì
(kölün-buyir qota)
— League —
1 Alxa League Alxa Left Banner 阿拉善盟
Ālāshàn Méng
ᠠᠯᠠᠱᠠᠨ ᠠᠶᠢᠮᠠᠭ
(alašan ayimaɣ)
8 Xilingol League Xilinhot 锡林郭勒盟
Xīlínguōlè Méng
ᠰᠢᠯᠢ ᠶᠢᠨ ᠭᠣᠤᠯ ᠠᠶᠢᠮᠠᠭ
(sili-yin ɣoul ayimaɣ)
11 Hinggan League Ulanhot 兴安盟
Xīng'ān Méng
ᠬᠢᠩᠭ᠋ᠠᠨ ᠠᠶᠢᠮᠠᠭ
(hingɣan ayimaɣ)

See an aw

  • Leagues o Inner Mongolie
  • Leet o administrative diveesions o Inner Mongolie

Notes an references

  1. 内蒙古自治区区情
  2. The Cyrillic spellin, as uised in Mongolie, wad be Өвөр Монголын Өөртөө Засах Орон (Övör Mongolyn Öörtöö Zasakh Oron).
  3. "Communiqué of the National Bureau of Statistics of People's Republic of China on Major Figures of the 2010 Population Census". National Bureau of Statistics of China. Archived frae the original on 27 Julie 2013. Retrieved 9 Mairch 2012.
  4. Huhbator Borjigin. 2004. The history and political character of the name of 'Nei Menggu' (Inner Mongolia). Inner Asia 6: 61-80.
  5. Zhōngguó dìmínglù 中国地名录 (Beijing, Zhōngguó dìtú chūbǎnshè 中国地图出版社 1997); ISBN 7-5031-1718-4.

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