Jinotega Depairtment

Departamento de Jinotega
Kintra Nicaragua
Caipital Jinotega
Area 9,755 km2 (3,766 sq mi)
Population 297,300 (2005)
ISO 3166-2 NI-JI

Jinotega is the seicont mucklest depairtment in Nicaragua. It is bordered on the north bi the kintra o Honduras. The depairtments surroondin it are, Matagalpa tae the sooth, Zelaya tae the east, an Estelí, Madriz, an Nueva Segovia. It covers an aurie o 9,755 km² an haes a population o 297,300 (2005 census). The caipital is the ceety o Jinotega.

Restaurants an dinin

Thare various restaurants an mercats ootthroo the depairtment o Jinotega, that serve various fruits, vegetables, meats, an drinks. The ceety o Jinotega is in the viciniy o the artificial Lake Apanas, whaur a bodie can dae fishin an boatin. A nice toun namit San Rafael del Norte is juist 20 minutes awa in a guid pavit road. San Rafael wis the General Heidquarters for the truips o General Sandino in the late 1920s an early '30s. It haes a nice kirk an sma museum o Sandino an his wife Blanca Aráuz.


  1. El Cuá
  2. Jinotega
  3. La Concordia
  4. San José de Bocay
  5. San Rafael del Norte
  6. San Sebastián de Yalí
  7. Santa María de Pantasma
  8. Wiwilí

Freemit airtins