
Sarmatian Kurgan 4t century BC, Fillipovka, Sooth Urals, Roushie. Excavatit in a dig led bi Russian Academy of Sciences Archeology Institute Prof. L. Yablonsky in the simmer o 2006, this is the first kurgan kent tae be completely destroyed an then rebuilt tae its oreeginal appearance.

Kurgan is the Turkic term for a tumulus; moond o yird an stanes raised ower a grave or graves, oreeginatin wi its uise in Soviet airchaeologie, nou widely uised for tumuli in the context of Eastren European an Central Asie airchaeologie.

The wird is ultimately o Turkic oreegin, mair specifically frae Tatar accordin tae the Oxford English Dictionary, frae a wird meanin "fortress".[1][2]


  1. TDK Dictionary: Kurgan Archived 2007-09-29 at the Wayback Machine; The word kurgan ‘funerary mound’, is, as well as Central Asia and Anatolia used in Russia and Ukraine, but throughout South-Eastern Europe (Ru. kurgán, ORu. kurganu, Ukr. kurhán, BRu. kurhan, Pol. kurhan, kurchan, kuran ‘mound’; Rumanian gurgan, dial. Hung. korhány), from Tatar, Tat., Osm., Kum. kurgan, Old Turkic kurgan "fortification", , Kirg. and Jagat. korgan, Karakirg. korgon, all from Turkotat. kurgamak "fortify", kurmak "erect".[citation needit]
  2. "kurgan." Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster, 2002. http://unabridged.merriam-webster.com (14 October 2006).