Mariakerke, East Flanders

Mariakerke athin Ghent

Mariakerke is a submunicipality o the ceety o Ghent (Arrondissement o Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium). Its population is o 11,883 fowk (2007).


In the 17t century, Mariakerke wis dividit in twa acause o the construction o the "Brugse Vaart", a canal that connects the ceeties o Ghent an Bruges. The wast side is Mariakerke center. The east side o Mariakerke is kent as Kolegem. Acause o the hunders o years o separation, baith halves developed their awn unique atmosphere.

Mariakerke obtained the status o independent veelage in 1793, efter which a brig wis constructit tae connect baith halves o the veelage. The brig haes been destroyed several times durin war, which mak that the actual brig wis put up in 1964.

Besides the brig, Mariakerke anerlie haed ane main road which connectit the veelage wi the ceety o Ghent. This road wis vera important for the veelage, an still exists the day unner the name "Brugse Steenweg".

Later in the 18t century, a trade route wis constructit frae Ghent tae Eeklo, an Mariakerke became a stop alang this important road. Nouadays the road is better kent as the N9, ane o Ghent's maist busy avenues. This new street haed a significant impact on the 18t century Mariakerke.

The fowk frae Mariakerke became mair involved in the ceety life o Ghent ance the industrial era haed begun. A lot o veelagers foond a job at the mony factories o Ghent, an a lot o rich industrials constructit castles an mansions in the rural Mariakerke. These castles can still be visitit the day, an add a special atmosphere tae the veelage.

Mariakerke feenally lost its rural character efter Warld War II. A lot o ceety fowk muivit tae the kintra side, an Mariakerke witnessed a real population boom. In the 1970s, the ceety o Ghent stairtit expandin again, slowly but surely absorbin the veelage o Mariakerke intae its urban borders. 1976 saw the fusion o Mariakerke wi Ghent, an iver syne it haes been pairt o the urban aurie o Ghent.


  • Castle Claeys-Bouüaert
  • Castle de Hemptine
  • Castle ter beken
  • Castle Kervyn d'oudt Mooregem
  • Castle van Tieghem de ten Berghe
  • White castle or Henry Story
  • Castle les Cygnes