A default installation o phpBB 3.0
A default installation o phpBB 3.0
Developer(s)phpBB Limited
Ineetial releaseDecember 9t 2000 phpBB 1.0 released.
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Written inPHP
Available in54 leids[1]
Leet o leids
American Inglis, Arabic, Argentinian Spaingie, Basque, Belaroushie, Brazilian Protuguese, Breetish Inglis, Bulgarie, Catalan, Croatie, Czech, Dens, Dutch, Estonie, Finnish, French, Gaelic, Galicie, German, Greek, Ebreu, Hungarian, Indonesie, Italian, Japanese, Kurdish, Lithuanie, Macedonie, Cheenese, Mexican Spaingie, Norse, Persie, Pols, Portuguese, Romanie, Roushie, Serbie, Slovak, Slovenie, Spaingie, Swadish, Tatar, Thai, Turkis, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese
TeepInternet forum
LicenseGNU General Public License version 2

phpBB is an Internet forum package in the PHP scriptin leid. The name "phpBB" is an abbreviation o PHP Bulletin Board. Available unner the GNU General Public License, phpBB is free an open soorce saftware.[2]


  1. "phpBB3 translation pack downloads". Retrieved 9 Mairch 2009.
  2. "About phpBB". Retrieved 22 August 2010.