Provinces o Iran

Iran is subdividit intae thirty ane provinces (Persian: استان Ostān, plural استان‌ها Ostānhā), ilka ane govrened frae a local center, uisually the lairgest local ceety, which is cried the caipital (Persian: Markaz) o that province. The provincial authority is heidit bi a Govrenor-General[1] (Persian: Ostāndār), who is appointit bi the Meenister o the Interior subject tae approval o the cabinet.

Modren History

Accordin tae Encyclopaedia Britannica[2], in 1908 there wur thirty five admeenistrative diveesions in Persie, as follaes:

  • Provinces: 1. Arabistan an Bakhtiari, 2. Astarabad and Gurgan, 3. Azerbaijan, 4. Fars, 5. Gerrus, 6. Gilan and Talish, 7. Hamada[n], 8. Irak, Gulpaigan, Khunsar, [Kezzaz, Ferakan, an Tusirkhan], 9. Isfahan, 10. Kashan, 11. Kazvin, 12. Kerman an Baluchistan, 13. Kermanshah, 14. Kamseh, 15. Khar, 16. Khorasan, 17. Kum, 18. Kurdistan, 19. Luristan and Burujird, 20. Mazandaran, 21. Nehavend, Malayir and Kamereh, 22. Savah, 23. Samnan an Damghan, 24. Shahrud an Bostam, 25. Teheran, 26. Zerend an Bagdadi Shahsevens.
  • Dependencies: 1. Asadabad, 2. Demavend, 3. Firuzkuh, 4. Josehekan, 5. Kangaver, 6. Natanz, 7. [], 8. Tarom Ulia, 9. Kharakan.

Till 1950, Iran wis dividit intae twal provinces: Ardalan, Azarbaijan, Baluchestan, Fars, Gilan, Araq-e Ajam, Khorasan, Khuzestan, Kerman, Larestan, Lorestan, and Mazandaran[3].

In 1950, Iran wis reorganized tae form ten numbered provinces wi subordinate govrenorates: Gilan; Mazandaran; East Azarbaijan; Wast Azarbaijan; Kermanshah; Khuzestan; Fars; Kerman; Khorasan; Isfahan.[3]

Frae 1960 tae 1981 the govrenorates wur raised tae provincial status ane bi ane. Syne then several new provinces hae been creatit, maist recently in 2004 when the province o Khorasan wis split intae three new provinces[4] as well as splittin o the new Alborz Province frae Teheran province in 2010.

Current Provinces

Provinces o Iran


  1. IRNA, Online Edition. ""Paris for further cultural cooperation with Iran"". Archived frae the original on 23 October 2007. Retrieved 21 October 2007.
  2. Persia entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica
  3. a b Gwillim Law, Statoids website. ""Provinces of Iran"". Retrieved 30 Apryle 2006.
  4. Online edition, Al-Jazeera Satellite Network. ""Iran breaks up largest province"". Retrieved 30 Apryle 2006.