Quime Municipality
Quime Municipality is the seicont municipal section o the Inquisivi Province in the La Paz Depairtment in Bolivie , locatit sooth-east o the ceety o La Paz . Its seat is Quime .
The climate is perfect syne the toun is atween the muntains an the tropic, it haes a muckle vegetation maistly eucalyptus, you can feel the nice aroma o the eucalyptus when you near Quime, it haes 3 bonnie rivers, the watter is clear like the air, the name o the rives are: Quime River, Chanvillalla River, Chichipata River .
The municipality consists o the follaein cantons:[ 1]
Choquetanga Canton - 2,537 inhabitants (2001)
Figueroa Canton - 149 inhabitants
Huaña Cota Canton - 69 inhabitants
Quime Canton - 4,583 inhabitants
↑ National Institute of Statistic in Bolivia
Provinces Municipalities (an seats)
Achacachi (Achacachi )
Achocalla (Achocalla)
Alto Beni (Caserío Nueve)
Ancoraimes (Ancoraimes )
Apolo (Apolo)
Aucapata (Aucapata)
Ayata (Ayata)
Ayo Ayo (Ayo Ayo )
Batallas (Batallas)
Cairoma (Cairoma)
Cajuata (Cajuata)
Calacoto (Calacoto)
Calamarca (Calamarca )
Caquiaviri (Caquiaviri)
Caranavi (Caranavi)
Catacora (Catacora)
Chacarilla (Chacarilla)
Charaña (Charaña)
Chulumani (Chulumani)
Chuma (Chuma )
Collana (Collana )
Colquencha (Colquencha )
Colquiri (Colquiri)
Comanche (Comanche)
Combaya (Combaya)
Copacabana (Copacabana)
Coripata (Coripata)
Coro Coro (Coro Coro)
Coroico (Coroico)
Curva (Curva)
Desaguadero (Desaguadero)
El Alto (El Alto)
Escoma (Escoma)
General Juan José Pérez (Charazani)
Guanay (Guanay)
Guaqui (Guaqui)
Huarina (Huarina)
Ichoca (Ichoca)
Inquisivi (Inquisivi )
Irupana (Irupana)
Ixiamas (Ixiamas)
Jesús de Machaca (Jesús de Machaca)
La Asunta (La Asunta)
La Paz (La Paz )
Laja (Laja)
Licoma Pampa (Licoma)
Luribay (Luribay )
Malla (Malla)
Mapiri (Mapiri)
Mecapaca (Mecapaca)
Mocomoco (Mocomoco)
Nazacara de Pacajes (Nazacara)
Palca (Palca)
Palos Blancos (Palos Blancos)
Papel Pampa (Papel Pampa)
Patacamaya (Patacamaya )
Pelechuco (Pelechuco)
Pucarani (Pucarani)
Puerto Acosta (Puerto Acosta)
Puerto Carabuco (Puerto Carabuco)
Puerto Pérez (Puerto Perez)
Quiabaya (Quiabaya)
Quime (Quime )
San Andrés de Machaca (San Andrés de Machaca)
San Buenaventura (San Buenaventura)
San Pedro de Curahuara (San Pedro de Curahuara de Carangas)
San Pedro de Tiquina (San Pedro de Tiquina)
Santiago de Callapa (Callapa)
Santiago de Huata (Santiago de Huata)
Santiago de Machaca (Santiago de Machaca)
Sapahaqui (Sapahaqui )
Sica Sica (Sica Sica )
Sorata (Sorata)
Tacacoma (Tacacoma)
Taraco (Taraco)
Teoponte (Teoponte)
Tiwanaku (Tiwanaku)
Tipuani (Tipuani)
Tito Yupanqui (Tito Yupanqui)
Umala (Umala )
Umanata (Umanata)
Viacha (Viacha)
Waldo Ballivián (Tumarapi)
Yaco (Yaco)
Yanacachi (Yanacachi)
Alpamayo Chico
Huayna Potosí
Protectit auries
Pilón Lajas
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