Ramadi (Arabic: الرمادي; BGN: Ar Ramādī) is a ceety in central Iraq, aboot 110 kilometer (68 mi) wast o Baghdad. It is the caipital o the Anbar Province.[2]
The ceety ootstretched tae a distance o mair nor 60 kilometers on the Euphrates, the lairgest ceety in Al-Anbar.
Ramadi's population haes been statit as 444,582 accordin tae UN data frae 2003.[3] an 483,209 accordin tae UN frae 2004.[4] Housomeivver, accordin tae the umwhile regime thare are aboot 700,000 indwallers.[5]
Awtho thare wis a lairge Jewish community intae the twintiet century, in the 21st century aw o the indwallers o the ceety are Sunni Muslims frae the Dulaim tribe.[6][7][8]
Ramadi is locatit in a fertile, irrigatit, alluvial plain, athin Iraq's Sunni Triangle.[9]
It wis foondit in 1869 unner the Ottoman Empire. The main purpose o the ceety wis tae gie the Ottomans a focal pynt tae communicate an control the Dulaim tribe o the region.
Further information: Battle o Ramadi (1917)
Durin the Mesopotamie Campaign o Warld War I, Breetish forces unner Lieutenant General Frederick Stanley Maude teuk Ramadi. In November 1917, Breetish forces focht wha wis left o the Ottoman forces thare. Sir Maude dee'd suin efter Ramadi wis taken.
Durin the Anglo-Iraqi War durin Warld War II, Ramadi wis held bi a brigade-sized unit lyal tae Rashid Ali al-Gaylani.
Main airticle: Ramadi unner U.S. Military Occupation
Ramadi wis a focal pynt o resistance tae the U.S. occupation o Iraq atween 2003 an 2006.